COM+ Interfaces
The following are the COM+ interfaces.
Interface | Description |
ContextInfo | Retrieves transaction, activity, and context information on the current context object. |
ContextInfo2 | Provides additional information about an object's context, supplementing the information that is available through the ContextInfo interface. |
IAppDomainHelper | Binds a managed object to an application domain, which is an isolated environment where applications execute. |
IAssemblyLocator | Retrieves information about an assembly when using managed code in the .NET Framework common language runtime. |
IAsyncErrorNotify | Used to implement error trapping on the asynchronous batch work that is submitted through the activity created by CoCreateActivity. |
ICheckSxSConfig | Used to check the configuration of the current side-by-side assembly. |
IComActivityEvents | Notifies the subscriber if an activity is created, destroyed, or timed out. |
IComAppEvents | Notifies the subscriber if a COM+ server application is started, shut down, or forced to shut down. |
IComApp2Events | Notifies the subscriber if a COM+ server application is loaded, shut down, or paused. |
IComCRMEvents | Notifies the subscriber about activities of the Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) feature of Component Services. |
IComExceptionEvents | Notifies the subscriber when an unhandled exception occurs in the user's code. |
IComIdentityEvents | Notifies the subscriber about an activity that is part of an Internet Information Services (IIS) Active Server Pages (ASP) page. |
IComInstanceEvents | Notifies the subscriber of an object's creation or release. |
IComInstance2Events | Notifies the subscriber if an object is created or released by a client. |
ICOMLBArguments | Used to activate the COM+ component load balancing service. |
IComLTxEvents | Notifies the subscriber of events that relate to COM+ transactions. |
IComMethodEvents | Notifies the subscriber if an object's method has been called, returned, or generated an exception. |
IComMethod2Events | Notifies the subscriber if an object's method has been called, returned, or generated an exception. |
IComObjectConstructionEvents | Notifies the subscriber if a constructed object is created in an object pool. |
IComObjectConstruction2Events | Notifies the subscriber if a constructed object is created. |
IComObjectEvents | Notifies the subscriber if an instance of a just-in-time (JIT) activated object has been created or freed. |
IComObjectPoolEvents | Notifies the subscriber when a new object is added to the pool. |
IComObjectPool2Events | Notifies the subscriber if a transactional or non-transactional object is added to or obtained from the object pool. |
IComObjectPoolEvents2 | Notifies the subscriber when a new object is created for or removed from the pool. |
IComQCEvents | Notifies the subscriber if a queued message is created, de-queued, or moved to a retry or dead letter queue. |
IComResourceEvents | Notifies the subscriber if a resource is created, allocated, tracked, or destroyed. |
IComSecurityEvents | Notifies the subscriber if the authentication of a method call succeeded or failed. |
IComThreadEvents | Notifies the subscriber if a single-threaded apartment (STA) is created or terminated, and when an apartment thread is allocated. |
IComTrackingInfoCollection | Retrieves the type of a tracking information collection and the number of objects it contains. |
IComTrackingInfoEvents | Notifies the subscriber when the tracking information for a collection changes. |
IComTrackingInfoObject | Retrieves the properties of a tracking information object. |
IComTrackingInfoProperties | Retrieves the total number of properties associated with a tracking information object and their names. |
IComTransactionEvents | Notifies the subscriber if the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) transaction starts, commits, or aborts. |
IComTransaction2Events | Notifies the subscriber if a Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) transaction starts, commits, or aborts. The subscriber is also notified when the transaction is in the prepare phase of the two-phase commit protocol. |
IComUserEvent | Notifies the subscriber of the specified user-defined metrics. |
IContextProperties | Provides access to context object properties. |
IContextState | Controls object deactivation and transaction voting by manipulating context state flags. |
IContextTransactionInfo | Provides access to context object properties that relate to transactions. |
ICreateWithLocalTransaction | Creates a COM+ object that executes within the scope of the specified local transaction. |
ICreateWithTipTransactionEx | Creates an object that is enlisted within a manual transaction using the Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP). |
ICreateWithTransactionEx | Creates an object that is enlisted within a manual transaction. |
ICrmCompensator | Delivers unstructured log records to the CRM Compensator when using Microsoft Visual C++. |
ICrmCompensatorVariants | Delivers structured log records to the CRM Compensator when using Microsoft Visual Basic. |
ICrmFormatLogRecords | Converts the log records to viewable format so that they can be presented using a generic monitoring tool. |
ICrmLogControl | Is the means by which the CRM Worker and CRM Compensator write records to the log and make them durable. |
ICrmMonitor | Captures a snapshot of the current state of the CRM and holds a specific CRM clerk. |
ICrmMonitorClerks | Retrieves information about the state of clerks. |
ICrmMonitorLogRecords | Monitors the individual log records maintained by a specific CRM clerk for a given transaction. |
IDispenserDriver | Is called by the holder of the COM+ Resource Dispenser to create, enlist, evaluate, and destroy a resource. |
IDispenserManager | Connects to the Dispenser Manager. |
IEnumEventObject | Enumerates the event objects that are registered in the COM+ events store. |
IEnumNames | Enumerates names. |
IEventClass | Associates a class of event objects with the event interface those objects implement. |
IEventClass2 | Used to set and obtain data on event class objects. |
IEventControl | Controls the behavior of an event object, the object that fires an event to its subscribers. |
IEventObjectChange | Notifies subscribers of changes to the event store. |
IEventObjectChange2 | Notifies subscribers of changes to the event store while including partition and application ID information. |
IEventObjectCollection | Manages objects in an event objects collection. |
IEventProperty | Stores event properties. |
IEventSubscription | Specifies information about the relationship between an event subscriber and an event to which it is subscribing. |
IEventSubscription2 | Extends the IEventSubscription interface. |
IEventSubscription3 | Extends the IEventSubscription2 interface. |
IEventSystem | Provides access to the event data store. |
IEventSystem2 | Extends the IEventSystem interface. |
IFiringControl | Fires an event to a single subscription. |
IGetAppTrackerData | Enables administrative applications to retrieve statistical information about running COM+ applications. |
IGetContextProperties | Enables the caller to obtain the properties associated with the current object's context. |
IGetSecurityCallContext | Retrieves a reference to an object created from the SecurityCallContext class that is associated with the current call. |
IHolder | Allocates or frees resources for an installed Resource Dispenser. |
IManagedActivationEvents | Used to create and destroy stubs for managed objects within the current COM+ context. |
IManagedObjectInfo | Describes the stub for a managed object. |
IManagedPoolAction | Enables an object to be notified before it is released from a COM+ object pool. |
IManagedPooledObj | Describes how a managed object is used in the COM+ object pool. |
IMessageMover | Moves messages from one queue to another queue. |
IMTSActivity | Submits batch work through the activity created by the MTSCreateActivity function. |
IMTSCall | Implements the batch work that is submitted through the activity created by the MTSCreateActivity function. |
IMtsEventInfo | Describes user-defined events. |
IMtsEvents | Provides methods for obtaining information about the running package and establishing event sinks. |
IMtsGrp | Provides methods for enumerating through running packages. |
IMTSLocator | Describes a single event that provides access to the IMtsEvents interface of the event dispatcher for the current process. |
IMTxAS | Equivalent to the following C++ functions: GetObjectContext, RecycleSurrogate, and SafeRef. |
IMultiInterfaceEventControl | Controls the behavior of an event object, the object that fires an event to its subscribers. |
IMultiInterfacePublisherFilter | Manages a filtered subscription cache for an event method. |
IObjectConstruct | Controls the object construction process by passing in parameters from other methods or objects. |
IObjectConstructString | Provides access to a constructor string. Use it when you want to specify the parameters during the construction of your object. |
IObjectContext | Provides access to the current object's context. An object's context is primarily used when working with transactions or dealing with the security of an object. |
IObjectContextActivity | Retrieves the activity identifier associated with the current object context. |
IObjectContextInfo | Retrieves transaction, activity, and context information on the current context object. |
IObjectContextInfo2 | Extends the IObjectContextInfo interface. |
IObjectContextTip | Retrieves properties describing the Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP) transaction context. |
IObjectControl | Defines context-specific initialization and cleanup procedures for your COM+ objects, and specifies whether the objects can be recycled. |
IObjPool | Represents the key to each object in the transaction resource pool. |
IPlaybackControl | Enables participation in the abnormal handling of server-side playback errors and client-side failures of the Message Queuing delivery mechanism. |
IPoolManager | Enables the caller to control an object pool. |
IProcessInitializer | Provides methods that can be called whenever Dllhost.exe starts up or shuts down. |
IPublisherFilter | Acts as a callback interface so that event publishers can control which subscribers receive event notifications or the order in which subscribers are notified. |
ISecurityCallContext | Provides access to security methods and information about the security call context of the current call. |
ISecurityCallersColl | Provides access to information about individual callers in a collection of callers. |
ISecurityIdentityColl | Provides access to a collection of security information representing a caller's identity. The items available in this collection are the SID, the account name, the authentication service, the authentication level, and the impersonation level. |
ISecurityProperty | Determines the security ID of the current object's original caller or direct caller. However, the preferred way to get information about an object's callers is to use the ISecurityCallContext interface. |
ISelectCOMLBServer | Activates the COM+ component load balancing service. |
ISendMethodEvents | Describes an event class that notifies subscribers whenever a method on the object that implements it either is called or returns from a call. |
IServiceActivity | Used to call the batch work that is submitted through the activity created by CoCreateActivity. |
IServiceCall | Used to implement the batch work that is submitted through the activity created by CoCreateActivity. |
IServiceComTIIntrinsicsConfig | Configures the COM Transaction Integrator (COMTI) intrinsics for the work that is done when calling the CoCreateActivity or CoEnterServiceDomain function. |
IServiceIISIntrinsicsConfig | Configures the IIS intrinsics for the work that is done when calling the CoCreateActivity or CoEnterServiceDomain function. |
IServiceInheritanceConfig | Determines whether to construct a new context based on the current context or to create a new context based solely on the information in CServiceConfig. |
IServicePartitionConfig | Configures how partitions are used for the work that is done when calling either CoCreateActivity or CoEnterServiceDomain. |
IServicePool | Used to manage a COM+ object pool. |
IServicePoolConfig | Used to configure an object pool. |
IServiceSxSConfig | Configures side-by-side assemblies for the work that is done when calling either CoCreateActivity or CoEnterServiceDomain. |
IServiceSynchronizationConfig | Configures the synchronization for the work that is done when calling either CoCreateActivity or CoEnterServiceDomain. |
IServiceSysTxnConfig | Enables you to run a set of code in the scope of an existing transaction that you specify with a transaction proxy. |
IServiceThreadPoolConfig | Configures the thread pool of the activity object that is returned by calling CoCreateActivity. |
IServiceTrackerConfig | Configures the tracker property for the work that is done when calling either CoCreateActivity or CoEnterServiceDomain. |
IServiceTransactionConfig | Extends the IServiceTransactionConfigBase interface. |
IServiceTransactionConfigBase | Configures the transaction services for the work that is done when calling either CoCreateActivity or CoEnterServiceDomain. |
ISharedProperty | Exposes property methods that you can use to set or retrieve the value of a shared property. |
ISharedPropertyGroup | Used to create and access the shared properties in a shared property group. |
ISharedPropertyGroupManager | Used to create shared property groups and to obtain access to existing shared property groups. |
ISystemAppEventData | Notifies the subscriber when a COM+ application instance is created or reconfigured. |
IThreadPoolKnobs | Used to control the behavior of thread pools. |
ITransactionContext | Enables you to compose the work of multiple COM+ objects in a single transaction and explicitly commit or abort the transaction. |
ITransactionContextEx | Extends the ITransactionContext interface to be compatible with Automation. |
ITransactionProperty | Used to get the transaction resource pool. |
ITransactionProxy | Provides a way for a COM+ transaction context to work with a non-DTC transaction. |
ITransactionResourcePool | Maintains a list of pooled objects, keyed by IObjPool, that are used until the transaction completes. |
ITransactionStatus | Used to discover the status of the transaction that is completed by the call to CoLeaveServiceDomain when CServiceConfig is configured to use transactions in the call to CoEnterServiceDomain. |
ObjectContext | Provides access to the current object's context. An object's context is primarily used when working with transactions or dealing with the security of an object. Provides the same functionality as IObjectContext, but is compatible with Automation. |
ObjectControl | Defines context-specific initialization and cleanup procedures for your COM+ objects, and to specify whether the objects can be recycled. Provides the same functionality as IObjectControl, but is compatible with Automation. |
SecurityProperty | Enables you to obtain information about the current object's original caller and direct caller. |