

Properties and Methods

Like any OLE object, a control provides much of its functionality through a set of incoming interfaces with properties and methods.

A control exposes properties and methods through OLE automation so that containers can access them under the control of a container-supplied programming language.

To support access to properties through a user interface, a control provides property pages, support for OLEIVERB_PROPERTIES, per property browsing, and data binding through property change notifications.

  • Through property pages a control can display its properties, independent of its container, if necessary.
  • By supporting OLEIVERB_PROPERTIES, the Properties item is displayed on the container's menu. Then, the end user can select the Properties item to view the control's property pages and modify the properties.
  • Per property browsing supports a container that can display the control's properties as part of a larger property sheet that may include properties from several controls in the container.
  • Through property change notification, a control can notify a client that its properties have change, allowing the client to take any necessary actions as a result.

For more information, see the following topics:

ActiveX Controls

Property Pages and Property Sheets