


Controls the global activation and call policies of the machine. Only administrators and the system have full access to this portion of the registry. All other users have read-only access.

Registry Entry

   EnableDCOM = value


This is a REG_SZ value.

Value Description
N (or n) No remote clients may launch servers or connect to objects on this computer. Local clients cannot access remote DCOM servers; all DCOM traffic is blocked. Local launching of class code and connecting to objects are allowed on a per-class basis according to the value and access permissions of the class's LaunchPermission registry value and the global DefaultLaunchPermission registry value.
Y (or y) Launching of servers and connecting to objects by remote clients is allowed on a per-class basis according to the value and access permissions of the class's LaunchPermission registry value and the global DefaultLaunchPermission registry value.




Security in COM