

Modifying Application Directory Partition Configuration

An application directory partition can be modified by changing certain attributes of the crossRef object that represents the application directory partition. To locate the crossRef object that represents a particular application directory partition, search the Partitions container for a crossRef object that has an nCName attribute value that is equal to the distinguished name of the application directory partition. The distinguished name of the crossRef object can then be used to bind to the crossRef object.

The following table lists attributes of the crossRef object that can be modified.

Attribute Description
msDS-Replication-Notify-First-DSA-Delay Specifies the delay, in seconds, after an originating object change before the first replication partner is notified. For more information, see Application Directory Partition Replication.
msDS-Replication-Notify-Subsequent-DSA-Delay Specifies the delay, in seconds, between subsequent notifications to the second, third, and so on replication partners. For more information, see Application Directory Partition Replication.
msDS-SDReferenceDomain Identifies the domain that the security subsystem uses to interpret local domain references in the nTSecurityDescriptor attributes of objects in that application directory partition. For more information, see Application Directory Partition Security.
msDS-NC-Replica-Locations Contains the distinguished name of the nTDSDSA object for each domain controller that hosts a replica of the application directory partition. For more information, see Adding or Deleting an Application Directory Partition Replica.