

Tile content schema


Lives Tiles are a Windows 10 feature that is not supported on later versions of Windows. For new apps, we recommend that you follow the current guidance for App icons.

The following describes all of the properties and elements within tile content.

If you would rather use raw XML instead of the Notifications library, please see the XML schema.


TileContent is the top level object that describes a tile notification's content, including visuals.

Property Type Required Description
Visual ToastVisual true Describes the visual portion of the tile notification.


The visual portion of tiles contains the visual specifications for all tile sizes, and more visual-related properties.

Property Type Required Description
TileSmall TileBinding false Provide an optional small binding to specify content for the small tile size.
TileMedium TileBinding false Provide an optional medium binding to specify content for the medium tile size.
TileWide TileBinding false Provide an optional wide binding to specify content for the wide tile size.
TileLarge TileBinding false Provide an optional large binding to specify content for the large tile size.
Branding TileBranding false The form that the tile should use to display the app's brand. By default, inherits branding from the default tile.
DisplayName string false An optional string to override the tile's display name while showing this notification.
Arguments string false New in Anniversary Update: App-defined data that is passed back to your app via the TileActivatedInfo property on LaunchActivatedEventArgs when the user launches your app from the Live Tile. This allows you to know which tile notifications your user saw when they tapped your Live Tile. On devices without the Anniversary Update, this will simply be ignored.
LockDetailedStatus1 string false If you specify this, you must also provide a TileWide binding. This is the first line of text that will be displayed on the lock screen if the user has selected your tile as their detailed status app.
LockDetailedStatus2 string false If you specify this, you must also provide a TileWide binding. This is the second line of text that will be displayed on the lock screen if the user has selected your tile as their detailed status app.
LockDetailedStatus3 string false If you specify this, you must also provide a TileWide binding. This is the third line of text that will be displayed on the lock screen if the user has selected your tile as their detailed status app.
BaseUri Uri false A default base URL that is combined with relative URLs in image source attributes.
AddImageQuery bool? false Set to "true" to allow Windows to append a query string to the image URL supplied in the toast notification. Use this attribute if your server hosts images and can handle query strings, either by retrieving an image variant based on the query strings or by ignoring the query string and returning the image as specified without the query string. This query string specifies scale, contrast setting, and language; for instance, a value of "" given in the notification becomes ""
Language string false The target locale of the visual payload when using localized resources, specified as BCP-47 language tags such as "en-US" or "fr-FR". This locale is overridden by any locale specified in binding or text. If not provided, the system locale will be used instead.


The binding object contains the visual content for a specific tile size.

Property Type Required Description
Content ITileBindingContent false The visual content to display on the tile. One of TileBindingContentAdaptive, TileBindingContentIconic, TileBindingContentContact, TileBindingContentPeople, or TileBindingContentPhotos.
Branding TileBranding false The form that the tile should use to display the app's brand. By default, inherits branding from the default tile.
DisplayName string false An optional string to override the tile's display name for this tile size.
Arguments string false New in Anniversary Update: App-defined data that is passed back to your app via the TileActivatedInfo property on LaunchActivatedEventArgs when the user launches your app from the Live Tile. This allows you to know which tile notifications your user saw when they tapped your Live Tile. On devices without the Anniversary Update, this will simply be ignored.
BaseUri Uri false A default base URL that is combined with relative URLs in image source attributes.
AddImageQuery bool? false Set to "true" to allow Windows to append a query string to the image URL supplied in the toast notification. Use this attribute if your server hosts images and can handle query strings, either by retrieving an image variant based on the query strings or by ignoring the query string and returning the image as specified without the query string. This query string specifies scale, contrast setting, and language; for instance, a value of "" given in the notification becomes ""
Language string false The target locale of the visual payload when using localized resources, specified as BCP-47 language tags such as "en-US" or "fr-FR". This locale is overridden by any locale specified in binding or text. If not provided, the system locale will be used instead.


Marker interface for tile binding content. These let you choose what you want to specify your tile visuals in - Adaptive, or one of the special templates.



Supported on all sizes. This is the recommended way of specifying your tile content. Adaptive Tile templates new in Windows 10, and you can create a wide variety of custom tiles through adaptive.

Property Type Required Description
Children IList<ITileBindingContentAdaptiveChild> false The inline visual elements. AdaptiveText, AdaptiveImage, and AdaptiveGroup objects can be added. The children are displayed in a vertical StackPanel fashion.
BackgroundImage TileBackgroundImage false An optional background image that gets displayed behind all the Tile content, full bleed.
PeekImage TilePeekImage false An optional peek image that animates in from the top of the Tile.
TextStacking TileTextStacking false Controls the text stacking (vertical alignment) of the children content as a whole.


An adaptive text element.

Property Type Required Description
Text string false The text to display.
HintStyle AdaptiveTextStyle false The style controls the text's font size, weight, and opacity.
HintWrap bool? false Set this to true to enable text wrapping. Default to false.
HintMaxLines int? false The maximum number of lines the text element is allowed to display.
HintMinLines int? false The minimum number of lines the text element must display.
HintAlign AdaptiveTextAlign false The horizontal alignment of the text.
Language string false The target locale of the XML payload, specified as a BCP-47 language tags such as "en-US" or "fr-FR". The locale specified here overrides any other specified locale, such as that in binding or visual. If this value is a literal string, this attribute defaults to the user's UI language. If this value is a string reference, this attribute defaults to the locale chosen by Windows Runtime in resolving the string.


Text style controls font size, weight, and opacity. Subtle opacity is 60% opaque.

Value Meaning
Default Default value. Style is determined by the renderer.
Caption Smaller than paragraph font size.
CaptionSubtle Same as Caption but with subtle opacity.
Body Paragraph font size.
BodySubtle Same as Body but with subtle opacity.
Base Paragraph font size, bold weight. Essentially the bold version of Body.
BaseSubtle Same as Base but with subtle opacity.
Subtitle H4 font size.
SubtitleSubtle Same as Subtitle but with subtle opacity.
Title H3 font size.
TitleSubtle Same as Title but with subtle opacity.
TitleNumeral Same as Title but with top/bottom padding removed.
Subheader H2 font size.
SubheaderSubtle Same as Subheader but with subtle opacity.
SubheaderNumeral Same as Subheader but with top/bottom padding removed.
Header H1 font size.
HeaderSubtle Same as Header but with subtle opacity.
HeaderNumeral Same as Header but with top/bottom padding removed.


Controls the horizontal alignment of text.

Value Meaning
Default Default value. Alignment is automatically determined by the renderer.
Auto Alignment determined by the current language and culture.
Left Horizontally align the text to the left.
Center Horizontally align the text in the center.
Right Horizontally align the text to the right.


An inline image.

Property Type Required Description
Source string true The URL to the image. ms-appx, ms-appdata, and http are supported. As of the Fall Creators Update, web images can be up to 3 MB on normal connections and 1 MB on metered connections. On devices not yet running the Fall Creators Update, web images must be no larger than 200 KB.
HintCrop AdaptiveImageCrop false Control the desired cropping of the image.
HintRemoveMargin bool? false By default, images inside groups/subgroups have an 8px margin around them. You can remove this margin by setting this property to true.
HintAlign AdaptiveImageAlign false The horizontal alignment of the image.
AlternateText string false Alternate text describing the image, used for accessibility purposes.
AddImageQuery bool? false Set to "true" to allow Windows to append a query string to the image URL supplied in the tile notification. Use this attribute if your server hosts images and can handle query strings, either by retrieving an image variant based on the query strings or by ignoring the query string and returning the image as specified without the query string. This query string specifies scale, contrast setting, and language; for instance, a value of "" given in the notification becomes ""


Specifies the desired cropping of the image.

Value Meaning
Default Default value. Cropping behavior determined by renderer.
None Image is not cropped.
Circle Image is cropped to a circle shape.


Specifies the horizontal alignment for an image.

Value Meaning
Default Default value. Alignment behavior determined by renderer.
Stretch Image stretches to fill available width (and potentially available height too, depending on where the image is placed).
Left Align the image to the left, displaying the image at its native resolution.
Center Align the image in the center horizontally, displaying the image at its native resolution.
Right Align the image to the right, displaying the image at its native resolution.


Groups semantically identify that the content in the group must either be displayed as a whole, or not displayed if it cannot fit. Groups also allow creating multiple columns.

Property Type Required Description
Children IList<AdaptiveSubgroup> false Subgroups are displayed as vertical columns. You must use subgroups to provide any content inside an AdaptiveGroup.


Subgroups are vertical columns that can contain text and images.

Property Type Required Description
Children IList<IAdaptiveSubgroupChild> false AdaptiveText and AdaptiveImage are valid children of subgroups.
HintWeight int? false Control the width of this subgroup column by specifying the weight, relative to the other subgroups.
HintTextStacking AdaptiveSubgroupTextStacking false Control the vertical alignment of this subgroup's content.


Marker interface for subgroup children.



TextStacking specifies the vertical alignment of content.

Value Meaning
Default Default value. Renderer automatically selects the default vertical alignment.
Top Vertical align to the top.
Center Vertical align to the center.
Bottom Vertical align to the bottom.


A background image displayed full-bleed on the tile.

Property Type Required Description
Source string true The URL to the image. ms-appx, ms-appdata, and http(s) are supported. Http images must be 200 KB or less in size.
HintOverlay int? false A black overlay on the background image. This value controls the opacity of the black overlay, with 0 being no overlay and 100 being completely black. Defaults to 20.
HintCrop TileBackgroundImageCrop false New in 1511: Specify how you would like the image to be cropped. In versions before 1511, this will be ignored and background image will be displayed without any cropping.
AlternateText string false Alternate text describing the image, used for accessibility purposes.
AddImageQuery bool? false Set to "true" to allow Windows to append a query string to the image URL supplied in the tile notification. Use this attribute if your server hosts images and can handle query strings, either by retrieving an image variant based on the query strings or by ignoring the query string and returning the image as specified without the query string. This query string specifies scale, contrast setting, and language; for instance, a value of "" given in the notification becomes ""


Controls the cropping of the background image.

Value Meaning
Default Cropping uses the default behavior of the renderer.
None Image is not cropped, displayed square.
Circle Image is cropped to a circle.


A peek image that animates in from the top of the tile.

Property Type Required Description
Source string true The URL to the image. ms-appx, ms-appdata, and http(s) are supported. Http images must be 200 KB or less in size.
HintOverlay int? false New in 1511: A black overlay on the peek image. This value controls the opacity of the black overlay, with 0 being no overlay and 100 being completely black. Defaults to 20. In previous versions, this value will be ignored and peek image will be displayed with 0 overlay.
HintCrop TilePeekImageCrop false New in 1511: Specify how you would like the image to be cropped. In versions before 1511, this will be ignored and peek image will be displayed without any cropping.
AlternateText string false Alternate text describing the image, used for accessibility purposes.
AddImageQuery bool? false Set to "true" to allow Windows to append a query string to the image URL supplied in the tile notification. Use this attribute if your server hosts images and can handle query strings, either by retrieving an image variant based on the query strings or by ignoring the query string and returning the image as specified without the query string. This query string specifies scale, contrast setting, and language; for instance, a value of "" given in the notification becomes ""


Controls the cropping of the peek image.

Value Meaning
Default Cropping uses the default behavior of the renderer.
None Image is not cropped, displayed square.
Circle Image is cropped to a circle.


Text stacking specifies the vertical alignment of the content.

Value Meaning
Default Default value. Renderer automatically selects the default vertical alignment.
Top Vertical align to the top.
Center Vertical align to the center.
Bottom Vertical align to the bottom.


Supported on Small and Medium. Enables an iconic tile template, where you can have an icon and badge display next to each other on the tile, in true classic Windows Phone style. The number next to the icon is achieved through a separate badge notification.

Property Type Required Description
Icon TileBasicImage true At minimum, to support both Desktop and Mobile, Small and Medium tiles, provide a square aspect ratio image with a resolution of 200x200, PNG format, with transparency and no color other than white. For more info see: Special Tile Templates.


Mobile-only. Supported on Small, Medium, and Wide.

Property Type Required Description
Image TileBasicImage true The image to display.
Text TileBasicText false A line of text that is displayed. Not displayed on small tile.


New in 1511: Supported on Medium, Wide, and Large (Desktop and Mobile). Previously this was Mobile-only and only Medium and Wide.

Property Type Required Description
Images IList<TileBasicImage> true Images that will roll around as circles.


Animates through a slideshow of photos. Supported on all sizes.

Property Type Required Description
Images IList<TileBasicImage> true Up to 12 images can be provided (Mobile will only display up to 9), which will be used for the slideshow. Adding more than 12 will throw an exception.


An image used on various special templates.

Property Type Required Description
Source string true The URL to the image. ms-appx, ms-appdata, and http(s) are supported. Http images must be 200 KB or less in size.
AlternateText string false Alternate text describing the image, used for accessibility purposes.
AddImageQuery bool? false Set to "true" to allow Windows to append a query string to the image URL supplied in the tile notification. Use this attribute if your server hosts images and can handle query strings, either by retrieving an image variant based on the query strings or by ignoring the query string and returning the image as specified without the query string. This query string specifies scale, contrast setting, and language; for instance, a value of "" given in the notification becomes ""


A basic text element used on various special templates.

Property Type Required Description
Text string false The text to display.
Language string false The target locale of the XML payload, specified as a BCP-47 language tags such as "en-US" or "fr-FR". The locale specified here overrides any other specified locale, such as that in binding or visual. If this value is a literal string, this attribute defaults to the user's UI language. If this value is a string reference, this attribute defaults to the locale chosen by Windows Runtime in resolving the string.