

This class manages a volume protected by Unified Write Filter (UWF).


class UWF_Volume {
    [key, Read] boolean CurrentSession;
    [key, Read] string DriveLetter;
    [key, Read] string VolumeName;
    [Read, Write] boolean BindByDriveLetter;
    [Read] boolean CommitPending;
    [Read, Write] boolean Protected;

    UInt32 CommitFile([in] string FileFullPath);
    UInt32 CommitFileDeletion(string FileName);
    UInt32 Protect();
    UInt32 Unprotect();
    UInt32 SetBindByDriveLetter(boolean bBindByVolumeName);
    UInt32 AddExclusion(string FileName);
    UInt32 RemoveExclusion(string FileName);
    UInt32 RemoveAllExclusions();
    UInt32 FindExclusion([in] string FileName, [out] bFound);
    UInt32 GetExclusions([out, EmbeddedInstance("UWF_ExcludedFile")] string ExcludedFiles[]);



The following tables list the methods and properties that belong to this class.


Method Description
UWF_Volume.AddExclusion Adds a file or folder to the file exclusion list for a volume protected byUWF.
UWF_Volume.CommitFile Commits changes from the overlay to the physical volume for a specified file on a volume protected by Unified Write Filter (UWF).
UWF_Volume.CommitFileDeletion Deletes a protected file from the volume, and commits the deletion to the physical volume.
UWF_Volume.FindExclusion Determines whether a specific file or folder is in the exclusion list for a volume protected byUWF.
UWF_Volume.GetExclusions Retrieves a list of all file exclusions for a volume protected byUWF.
UWF_Volume.Protect Protects the volume after the next system restart, if UWF is enabled after the restart.
UWF_Volume.RemoveAllExclusions Removes all files and folders from the file exclusion list for a volume protected by UWF.
UWF_Volume.RemoveExclusion Removes a specific file or folder from the file exclusion list for a volume protected byUWF.
UWF_Volume.SetBindByDriveLetter Sets the BindByDriveLetter property, which indicates whether the UWF volume is bound to the physical volume by drive letter or by volume name.
UWF_Volume.Unprotect Disables UWF protection of the volume after the next system restart.


Property Data type Qualifiers Description
BindByDriveLetter Boolean [read, write] Indicates the type of binding that the volume uses.
- True to bind the volume by DriveLetter(loose binding)
- False to bind the volume by VolumeName (tight binding).
CommitPending Boolean [read] Reserved for Microsoft use.
CurrentSession Boolean [key, read] Indicates which session the object contains settings for.
- True if settings are for the current session
- False if settings are for the next session that follows a restart.
DriveLetter string [key, read] The drive letter of the volume. If the volume does not have a drive letter, this value is NULL.
Protected Boolean [read, write] If CurrentSession is true, indicates whether the volume is currently protected by UWF.
If CurrentSession is false, indicates whether the volume is protected in the next session after the device restarts.
VolumeName string [key, read] The unique identifier of the volume on the current system. The VolumeName is the same as the DeviceID property of the Win32_Volume class for the volume.


You must use an administrator account to change any properties or call any methods that change the configuration settings.

Turn UWF protection on or off

The following example demonstrates how to protect or unprotect a volume with UWF by using the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) provider in a PowerShell script.

The PowerShellscript creates a function, Set-ProtectVolume, that turns UWF protection on or off for a volume. The script then demonstrates how to use the function.

$COMPUTER = "localhost"
$NAMESPACE = "root\standardcimv2\embedded"

# Define common parameters

$CommonParams = @{"namespace"=$NAMESPACE; "computer"=$COMPUTER}

# Create a function to protect or unprotect a volume based on the drive letter of the volume

function Set-ProtectVolume($driveLetter, [bool] $enabled) {

# Each volume has two entries in UWF_Volume, one for the current session and one for the next session after a restart
# You can only change the protection status of a drive for the next session

    $nextConfig = Get-WMIObject -class UWF_Volume @CommonParams |
        where {
            $_.DriveLetter -eq "$driveLetter" -and $_.CurrentSession -eq $false

# If a volume entry is found for the drive letter, enable or disable protection based on the $enabled parameter

    if ($nextConfig) {

        Write-Host "Setting drive protection on $driveLetter to $enabled"

        if ($Enabled -eq $true) {
            $nextConfig.Protect() | Out-Null;
        } else {
            $nextConfig.Unprotect() | Out-Null;

# If the drive letter does not match a volume, create a new UWF_volume instance

    else {
    Write-Host "Error: Could not find $driveLetter. Protection is not enabled."

# The following sample commands demonstrate how to use the Set-ProtectVolume function
# to protect and unprotect volumes

Set-ProtectVolume "C:" $true
Set-ProtectVolume "D:" $true

Set-ProtectVolume "C:" $false

Manage UWF file and folder exclusions

The following example demonstrates how to manage UWF file and folder exclusions by using the WMI provider in a PowerShell script. The PowerShell script creates four functions, and then demonstrates how to use them.

The first function, Get-FileExclusions, displays a list of UWF file exclusions that exist on a volume. Exclusions for both the current session and the next session that follows a restart are displayed.

The second function, Add-FileExclusion, adds a file or folder to the UWF exclusion list for a given volume. The exclusion is added for the next session that follows a restart.

The third function, Remove-FileExclusion, removes a file or folder from the UWF exclusion list for a given volume. The exclusion is removed for the next session that follows a restart.

The fourth function, Clear-FileExclusions, removes all UWF file and folder exclusions from a given volume. The exclusions are removed for the next session that follows a restart.

$COMPUTER = "localhost"
$NAMESPACE = "root\standardcimv2\embedded"

# Define common parameters

$CommonParams = @{"namespace"=$NAMESPACE; "computer"=$COMPUTER}

function Get-FileExclusions($driveLetter) {

# This function lists the UWF file exclusions for a volume, both
# for the current session as well as the next session after a restart

# $driveLetter is the drive letter of the volume

# Get the UWF_Volume configuration for the current session

    $currentConfig = Get-WMIObject -class UWF_Volume @CommonParams |
        where {
            $_.DriveLetter -eq "$driveLetter" -and $_.CurrentSession -eq $true

# Get the UWF_Volume configuration for the next session after a restart

    $nextConfig = Get-WMIObject -class UWF_Volume @CommonParams |
        where {
            $_.DriveLetter -eq "$driveLetter" -and $_.CurrentSession -eq $false

# Display file exclusions for the current session

    if ($currentConfig) {

        Write-Host "The following files and folders are currently excluded from UWF filtering for $driveLetter";

        $currentExcludedList = $currentConfig.GetExclusions()

        if ($currentExcludedList) {
            foreach ($fileExclusion in $currentExcludedList.ExcludedFiles)  {
                Write-Host "  " $fileExclusion.FileName
        } else {
            Write-Host "  None"
    } else {
        Write-Error "Could not find drive $driveLetter";

# Display file exclusions for the next session after a restart

    if ($nextConfig) {

        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "The following files and folders will be excluded from UWF filtering for $driveLetter after the next restart:";

        $nextExcludedList = $nextConfig.GetExclusions()

        if ($nextExcludedList) {
            foreach ($fileExclusion in $nextExcludedList.ExcludedFiles)  {
                Write-Host "  " $fileExclusion.FileName
        } else {
            Write-Host "  None"

        Write-Host ""

function Add-FileExclusion($driveLetter, $exclusion) {

# This function adds a new UWF file exclusion to a volume
# The new file exclusion takes effect the next time the device is restarted and UWF is enabled

# $driveLetter is the drive letter of the volume
# $exclusion is the path and filename of the file or folder exclusion

# Get the configuration for the next session for the volume

    $nextConfig = Get-WMIObject -class UWF_Volume @CommonParams |
        where {
            $_.DriveLetter -eq "$driveLetter" -and $_.CurrentSession -eq $false

# Add the exclusion

    if ($nextConfig) {
        $nextConfig.AddExclusion($exclusion) | Out-Null;
        Write-Host "Added exclusion $exclusion for $driveLetter";
    } else {
        Write-Error "Could not find drive $driveLetter";

function Remove-FileExclusion($driveLetter, $exclusion) {

# This function removes a UWF file exclusion from a volume
# The file exclusion is removed the next time the device is restarted

# $driveLetter is the drive letter of the volume
# $exclusion is the path and filename of the file or folder exclusion

# Get the configuration for the next session for the volume

    $nextConfig = Get-WMIObject -class UWF_Volume @CommonParams |
        where {
            $_.DriveLetter -eq "$driveLetter" -and $_.CurrentSession -eq $false

# Try to remove the exclusion

    if ($nextConfig) {
        try {
            $nextConfig.RemoveExclusion($exclusion) | Out-Null;
            Write-Host "Removed exclusion $exclusion for $driveLetter";
        } catch {
            Write-Host "Could not remove exclusion $exclusion on drive $driveLetter"
    } else {
        Write-Error "Could not find drive $driveLetter";

function Clear-FileExclusions($driveLetter) {

# This function removes all UWF file exclusions on a volume
# The file exclusions are removed the next time the device is restarted

# $driveLetter is the drive letter of the volume

# Get the configuration for the next session for the volume

    $nextConfig = Get-WMIObject -class UWF_Volume @CommonParams |
        where {
            $_.DriveLetter -eq "$driveLetter" -and $_.CurrentSession -eq $false

# Remove all file and folder exclusions

    if ($nextConfig) {
        $nextConfig.RemoveAllExclusions() | Out-Null;
        Write-Host "Cleared all exclusions for $driveLetter";
    } else {
        Write-Error "Could not clear exclusions for drive $driveLetter";

# Some examples of using the functions

Clear-FileExclusions "C:"

Add-FileExclusion "C:" "\Users\Public\Public Documents"
Add-FileExclusion "C:" "\myfolder\myfile.txt"

Get-FileExclusions "C:"

Remove-FileExclusion "C:" "\myfolder\myfile.txt"

Get-FileExclusions "C:"


Windows Edition Supported
Windows Home No
Windows Pro No
Windows Enterprise Yes
Windows Education Yes
Windows IoT Enterprise Yes