

Install the Web Server WEB1

The Web Server (IIS) role in Windows Server 2016 provides a secure, easy-to-manage, modular and extensible platform for reliably hosting websites, services, and applications. With IIS, you can share information with users on the Internet, an intranet, or an extranet. IIS is a unified web platform that integrates IIS, ASP.NET, FTP services, PHP, and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).

When you deploy server certificates, your Web server provides you with a location where you can publish the certificate revocation list (CRL) for your certification authority (CA). After publication, the CRL is accessible to all computers on your network so that they can use this list during the authentication process to verify that certificates presented by other computers are not revoked.

If a certificate is on the CRL as revoked, the authentication effort fails and your computer is protected from trusting an entity that has a certificate that is no longer valid.

Before you install the Web Server (IIS) role, ensure that you have configured the server name and IP address and have joined the computer to the domain.

To install the Web Server (IIS) server role

To complete this procedure, you must be a member of the Administrators group.


To perform this procedure by using Windows PowerShell, open PowerShell, type the following command, and then press ENTER. Install-WindowsFeature Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools

  1. In Server Manager, click Manage, and then click Add Roles and Features. The Add Roles and Features Wizard opens.
  2. In Before You Begin, click Next.

Note The Before You Begin page of the Add Roles and Features Wizard is not displayed if you have previously run the Add Roles and Features Wizard and you selected Skip this page by default at that time.

  1. On the Installation Type page, click Next.
  2. On the Server selection page, click Next.
  3. On the Server roles page, select Web Server (IIS), and then click Next.
  4. Click Next until you have accepted all of the default web server settings, and then click Install.
  5. Verify that all installations were successful, and then click Close.