.NET Framework 3.5 Features |
NET-Framework-Features |
N |
.NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0) |
NET-Framework-Core |
(removed) |
HTTP Activation |
NET-HTTP-Activation |
N |
Non-HTTP Activation |
NET-Non-HTTP-Activ |
N |
.NET Framework 4.6 Features |
NET-Framework-45-Features |
Y |
.NET Framework 4.6 |
NET-Framework-45-Core |
Y |
ASP.NET 4.6 |
NET-Framework-45-ASPNET |
N |
WCF Services |
NET-WCF-Services45 |
Y |
HTTP Activation |
NET-WCF-HTTP-Activation45 |
N |
Message Queuing (MSMQ) Activation |
NET-WCF-MSMQ-Activation45 |
N |
Named Pipe Activation |
NET-WCF-Pipe-Activation45 |
N |
TCP Activation |
NET-WCF-TCP-Activation45 |
N |
TCP Port Sharing |
NET-WCF-TCP-PortSharing45 |
Y |
Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) |
N |
Compact Server |
BITS-Compact-Server |
N |
BitLocker Drive Encryption |
BitLocker |
N |
BranchCache |
BranchCache |
N |
Client for NFS |
NFS-Client |
N |
Containers |
Containers |
N |
Data Center Bridging |
Data-Center-Bridging |
N |
Enhanced Storage |
EnhancedStorage |
N |
Failover Clustering |
Failover-Clustering |
N |
Group Policy Management |
N |
I/O Quality of Service |
DiskIo-QoS |
N |
IIS Hostable Web Core |
Web-WHC |
N |
IP Address Management (IPAM) Server |
N |
iSNS Server service |
N |
Management OData IIS Extension |
ManagementOdata |
N |
Media Foundation |
Server-Media-Foundation |
N |
Message Queuing |
N |
Message Queuing Services |
MSMQ-Services |
N |
Message Queuing Server |
MSMQ-Server |
N |
Directory Service Integration |
MSMQ-Directory |
N |
HTTP Support |
MSMQ-HTTP-Support |
N |
Message Queuing Triggers |
MSMQ-Triggers |
N |
Routing Service |
MSMQ-Routing |
N |
Message Queuing DCOM Proxy |
N |
Multipath I/O |
Multipath-IO |
N |
MultiPoint Connector |
MultiPoint-Connector |
N |
MultiPoint Connector Services |
MultiPoint-Connector-Services |
N |
MultiPoint Manager and MultiPoint Dashboard |
MultiPoint-Tools |
N |
Network Load Balancing |
N |
Peer Name Resolution Protocol |
N |
Quality Windows Audio Video Experience |
qWave |
N |
Remote Differential Compression |
N |
Remote Server Administration Tools |
N |
Feature Administration Tools |
RSAT-Feature-Tools |
N |
BitLocker Drive Encryption Administration Utilities |
RSAT-Feature-Tools-BitLocker |
N |
DataCenterBridging LLDP Tools |
RSAT-DataCenterBridging-LLDP-Tools |
N |
Failover Clustering Tools |
RSAT-Clustering |
N |
Failover Cluster Module for Windows PowerShell |
RSAT-Clustering-PowerShell |
N |
Failover Cluster Automation Server |
RSAT-Clustering-AutomationServer |
N |
Failover Cluster Command Interface |
RSAT-Clustering-CmdInterface |
N |
IP Address Management (IPAM) Client |
IPAM-Client-Feature |
N |
Shielded VM Tools |
RSAT-Shielded-VM-Tools |
N |
Storage Replica Module for Windows PowerShell |
RSAT-Storage-Replica |
N |
Role Administration Tools |
RSAT-Role-Tools |
N |
AD DS and AD LDS Tools |
RSAT-AD-Tools |
N |
Active Directory module for Windows PowerShell |
RSAT-AD-PowerShell |
N |
AD DS Tools |
N |
Active Directory Administrative Center |
RSAT-AD-AdminCenter |
N |
AD DS Snap-Ins and Command-Line Tools |
N |
AD LDS Snap-Ins and Command-Line Tools |
N |
Hyper-V Management Tools |
RSAT-Hyper-V-Tools |
N |
Hyper-V Module for Windows PowerShell |
Hyper-V-PowerShell |
N |
Windows Server Update Services Tools |
UpdateServices-RSAT |
N |
API and PowerShell cmdlets |
UpdateServices-API |
N |
DHCP Server Tools |
N |
DNS Server Tools |
RSAT-DNS-Server |
N |
Remote Access Management Tools |
RSAT-RemoteAccess |
N |
Remote Access module for Windows PowerShell |
RSAT-RemoteAccess-PowerShell |
N |
RPC over HTTP Proxy |
RPC-over-HTTP-Proxy |
N |
Setup and Boot Event Collection |
Setup-and-Boot-Event-Collection |
N |
Simple TCP/IP Services |
Simple-TCPIP |
N |
SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support |
Y |
SMB Bandwidth Limit |
N |
SNMP Service |
SNMP-Service |
N |
SNMP WMI Provider |
SNMP-WMI-Provider |
N |
Telnet Client |
Telnet-Client |
N |
VM Shielding Tools for Fabric Management |
FabricShieldedTools |
N |
Windows Defender Features |
Windows-Defender-Features |
Y |
Windows Defender |
Windows-Defender |
Y |
Windows Internal Database |
Windows-Internal-Database |
N |
Windows PowerShell |
PowerShellRoot |
Y |
Windows PowerShell 5.1 |
PowerShell |
Y |
Windows PowerShell 2.0 Engine |
PowerShell-V2 |
(removed) |
Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration Service |
DSC-Service |
N |
Windows PowerShell Web Access |
WindowsPowerShellWebAccess |
N |
Windows Process Activation Service |
N |
Process Model |
WAS-Process-Model |
N |
.NET Environment 3.5 |
WAS-NET-Environment |
N |
Configuration APIs |
WAS-Config-APIs |
N |
Windows Server Backup |
Windows-Server-Backup |
N |
Windows Server Migration Tools |
Migration |
N |
Windows Standards-Based Storage Management |
WindowsStorageManagementService |
N |
WinRM IIS Extension |
WinRM-IIS-Ext |
N |
WINS Server |
N |
WoW64 Support |
WoW64-Support |
Y |