INF Files for PSHED Plug-Ins
A PSHED plug-in is installed by an information (INF) file. INF files for PSHED plug-ins contain the following standard INF file sections:
INF DDInstall.Services Section
Within the INF Models section, the platform vendor can use any hardware identifier (ID) for the PSHED plug-in. The hardware ID is specified by using the hw-id entry in the Models section, and can be a hardware ID in the ACPI namespace or another device namespace. The vendor can also specify a compatible ID with a value of PNP0C33. This compatible ID is used to define to a Microsoft-compatible hardware error device. The vendor specifies the compatible ID by using the compatible-id entry in the Models section.
A PSHED plug-in's INF file must also include an AddReg directive that references a section in the file that adds an entry to the System\CurrentControlSet\Control\PSHED\Plugins key in the registry. This entry informs the PSHED that the PSHED plug-in is installed in the system. This allows the PSHED to verify that all the installed PSHED plug-ins are successfully loaded every time that the system is started.
For example:
; Example PSHED plug-in INF file
Signature = "$Windows NT$"
Class = System ; Specify appropriate Class
ClassGuid = {4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} ; Specify appropriate ClassGuid
Provider = %Msft%
CatalogFile = ""
DriverVer = 01/01/06,1.0
PnpLockdown = 1
1 = %DiskName%
%FileName% = 1
ExamplePSHEDPlugin.DriverFiles = 13
%Msft% = Microsoft,NTamd64
%DeviceDesc% = ExamplePSHEDPluginInstall,%DeviceId%
OptionDesc = %Description%
CopyFiles = ExamplePSHEDPlugin.DriverFiles
AddReg = ExamaplePSHEDPlugin.AddReg
AddService = %ServiceName%,,ExamplePSHEDPlugin.Service
%FileName%,,,0x00000040 ; COPYFLG_OVERWRITE_OLDER_ONLY
DisplayName = %ServiceName%
Description = %ServiceDesc%
ServiceBinary = %13%\%FileName%
%Msft% = "Microsoft Corporation"
%DiskName% = "Example PSHED Plug-In Installation Disk"
%FileName% = "ExamplePSHEDPlugin.sys"
%DeviceDesc% = "Example PSHED Plug-In Device"
%DeviceId% = "ACPI\PSHEDPI"
%Description% = "Example PSHED Plug-In"
%ServiceName% = "ExamplePSHEDPlugin"
%ServiceDesc% = "Example PSHED Plug-In"
%PSHEDControlPath% = "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\PSHED\Plugins"