

Using Inflight Trace Recorder (IFR) in KMDF and UMDF 2 Drivers

Starting in Windows 10, you can build your KMDF or UMDF driver so that it gets extra driver debugging information through the Windows software trace preprocessing. This feature, called the Inflight Trace Recorder (IFR), is available starting in KMDF version 1.15 and UMDF version 2.15.

Inflight Trace Recorder is an extension of WPP software tracing. Unlike WPP tracing, the Inflight Trace Recorder continues to work without an attached trace consumer. The framework writes messages to a circular buffer, and your driver can also add its own messages. Each driver has its own log, so multiple devices associated with a driver share a single log.

If you turn on the IFR in your driver binary, the IFR is present and running during the lifetime of your driver. You don't need to start an explicit trace collection session.

The logs are stored in non-pageable memory, so they're recoverable after a system crash. In addition, Inflight Trace Recorder logs are included in minidump files except when the responsible driver is undetermined or if the crash was a host timeout.

How to enable Inflight Trace Recorder and send messages from your driver

  1. In Microsoft Visual Studio, do the following steps:

    • Open the Property Pages for your driver project. Right-click the driver project in Solution Explorer and select Properties. In the Property Pages for the driver, select Configuration Properties, and then Wpp Tracing. On the General menu, set Run WPP Tracing to Yes.

    • Navigate to Properties->Wpp Tracing->Function and Macro Options and choose Enable WPP Recorder.

    • On the same menu, set Scan Configuration Data to the file containing your trace information, for example Trace.h.

  2. In each source file that calls a WPP macro, add an #include directive that identifies a trace message header (TMH) file. The file name must have a format of <driver-source-file-name>.tmh.

    For example, if your driver consists of two source files, called MyDriver1.c and MyDriver2.c, then MyDriver1.c must contain:

    #include "MyDriver1.tmh"

    and MyDriver2.c must contain:

    #include "MyDriver2.tmh"

    When you build your driver in Visual Studio, the WPP preprocessor generates the .tmh files.

  3. Define a WPP_CONTROL_GUIDS macro in a header file. This macro defines a GUID and trace flags for your driver's tracing messages.

    The Osrusbfx2 driver sample defines a single control GUID and seven trace flags in the Trace.h header file, as shown in the following example:

    #define WPP_CONTROL_GUIDS \
      (d23a0c5a,d307,4f0e,ae8e,E2A355AD5DAB), \
      WPP_DEFINE_BIT(DBG_INIT)          /* bit  0 = 0x00000001 */ \
      WPP_DEFINE_BIT(DBG_PNP)           /* bit  1 = 0x00000002 */ \
      WPP_DEFINE_BIT(DBG_POWER)         /* bit  2 = 0x00000004 */ \
      WPP_DEFINE_BIT(DBG_WMI)           /* bit  3 = 0x00000008 */ \
      WPP_DEFINE_BIT(DBG_CREATE_CLOSE)  /* bit  4 = 0x00000010 */ \
      WPP_DEFINE_BIT(DBG_IOCTL)         /* bit  5 = 0x00000020 */ \
      WPP_DEFINE_BIT(DBG_WRITE)         /* bit  6 = 0x00000040 */ \
      WPP_DEFINE_BIT(DBG_READ)          /* bit  7 = 0x00000080 */ \

    In this example:

    • OsrUsbFxTraceGuid is the friendly name for the {d23a0c5a-d307-4f0e-ae8e-E2A355AD5DAB} GUID.
    • The trace flags are used to differentiate between trace messages that are generated as the driver handles different types of I/O requests.
  4. Your driver (both KMDF and UMDF 2) must call WPP_INIT_TRACING for Kernel-Mode Drivers with the driver object and a registry path, typically from DriverEntry:

    WPP_INIT_TRACING( DriverObject, RegistryPath );

    To deactivate tracing, both KMDF and UMDF 2 drivers call WPP_CLEANUP for Kernel-Mode Drivers from EvtCleanupCallback or EvtDriverUnload:

    WPP_CLEANUP( WdfDriverWdmGetDriverObject( Driver ));

    The WPP_CLEANUP macro takes a parameter of type PDRIVER_OBJECT, so if your driver's DriverEntry fails, you can skip calling WdfDriverWdmGetDriverObject and instead call WPP_CLEANUP with a pointer to the WDM driver object.

    Because UMDF drivers use the kernel-mode signatures of these macros for initializing and cleaning up tracing, the calls look identical for KMDF and UMDF.

  5. Use the DoTraceMessage macro, or a customized version of the macro, in your driver to create trace messages.

    The following example shows how the Osrusbfx2 driver uses its TraceEvents function in a portion of the code devoted to handling read requests:

                    "Transfer exceeds %d\n",

    The call to TraceEvents generates a trace message if the trace controller enables the TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR level and the DBG_READ trace flag. The message includes the value of the driver-defined constant TEST_BOARD_TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE.

  6. To change the size of the circular buffer that the driver log uses, modify the LogPages registry value in the following registry location:

    For UMDF:

    SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WUDF\Services\<YourDriver>\Parameters\Wdf

    For KMDF:


    This is a value of type REG_DWORD that contains the size of the log buffer allocated, in pages. Valid values are between 0x1 and 0x10.

For a KMDF driver

  1. Load the RCDRKD commands by typing .load rcdrkd.dll in the debugger.
  2. Use the !wdfkd.wdfldr extension to display information about the driver that are currently dynamically bound to Windows Driver Frameworks (WDF).
  3. Use !rcdrkd.rcdrlogdump and !rcdrkd.rcdrcrashdump to view messages that the driver provides.
  4. Use !wdfkd.wdflogdump or !wdfkd.wdfcrashdump to see messages that the framework provides.

Live debugging of a UMDF driver

  1. Use the !wdfkd.wdfldr extension to display information about the drivers that are currently dynamically bound to WDF. Find your user-mode driver. Enter the associated host process.

  2. Type !wdfkd.wdflogdump <YourDriverName.dll> <Flag> , where <Flag> is:

    • 0x1 – Merged framework and driver logs
    • 0x2 – Driver logs
    • 0x3 – Framework logs

    If there's no driver log for the specified driver, the extension displays only the framework log.

Viewing Inflight Trace Recorder logs after a UMDF driver crash

  1. From WinDbg, select File->Open Crash Dump, and specify the minidump file you would like to debug.

  2. Type !wdfkd.wdfcrashdump <YourDriverName.dll> <process ID of driver host> <Option>, where <Option> is:

    • 0x1 – Merged framework and driver logs
    • 0x2 – Driver logs
    • 0x3 – Framework logs

    If you don't specify a driver, !wdfcrashdump displays information for all drivers. If you don't specify a host process, and there's only one, the extension uses the single host process. If you don't specify a host process and there's more than one, the extension lists the active host processes.

    If the log information stored in the minidump doesn't match the entered name, the minidump doesn't contain the driver's logs.

If you don't have a debugger connected, you can still access the driver and framework logs. To learn how, see Video: Accessing driver IFR logs without a debugger.

For more information about adding tracing messages to your driver, see Adding WPP Macros to a Driver.

How to Enable Debugging of a UMDF Driver

RCDRKD Extensions

Using the Framework's Event Logger

Using WPP Software Tracing in UMDF Drivers