Clients use KSPROPERTY_BDA_RF_TUNER_TRANSPONDER to inform the tuner node of the appropriate transponder number.
Usage Summary Table
Get | Set | Target | Property descriptor type | Property value type |
Yes | Yes | Filter | KSP_NODE | ULONG |
The NodeId member of KSP_NODE specifies the identifier of the tuner node.
The property value specifies the transponder number to set.
Some tuning spaces have all of the information about how to acquire a frequency imbedded in hardware. These tuning spaces specify a transponder number. This property informs the tuner node of this transponder number. The tuner hardware can then automatically determine the tuning characteristics needed to acquire the intermediate frequency. In this case, the other properties in the KSPROPSETID_BdaFrequencyFilter property set are set to −1.
Header: bdamedia.h (include Bdamedia.h)