Clients use KSPROPERTY_BDA_RF_TUNER_RANGE to control the tuner range, that is, the domain on which to find a particular carrier frequency.
Usage Summary Table
Get | Set | Target | Property descriptor type | Property value type |
Yes | Yes | Filter | KSP_NODE | ULONG |
The NodeId member of KSP_NODE specifies the identifier of the tuner node.
The property value specifies the tuner range to set.
Specifying the KSPROPERTY_BDA_RF_TUNER_RANGE property with:
BDA_RANGE_NOT_SET (−1) indicates that the tuner range is not set.
BDA_RANGE_NOT_DEFINED (0) indicates that the tuner range is not defined.
Some tuners control an external device, such as a multiswitch, that defines the domain on which to find a particular carrier frequency. This property sets the tuner range either to −1, meaning that tuner range is not used for the particular tuning space, or to a value that is specific to the tuning space.
Header: bdamedia.h (include Bdamedia.h)