Clients use KSPROPERTY_BDA_RF_TUNER_FREQUENCY_MULTIPLIER along with KSPROPERTY_BDA_RF_TUNER_FREQUENCY to control the frequency setting of the tuner node.
Usage Summary Table
Get | Set | Target | Property descriptor type | Property value type |
Yes | Yes | Filter | KSP_NODE | ULONG |
The NodeId member of KSP_NODE specifies the identifier of the tuner node.
The property value specifies the frequency multiplier to set.
If the KSPROPERTY_BDA_RF_TUNER_FREQUENCY_MULTIPLIER property specified a multiplier of BDA_FREQUENCY_MULTIPLIER_NOT_SET (−1) or BDA_FREQUENCY_MULTIPLIER_NOT_DEFINED (0), then the KSPROPERTY_BDA_RF_TUNER_FREQUENCY property specifies the frequency in kilohertz (kHz). In addition, if the minidriver's set handler (KStrSetPropertyHandler) for the frequency multiplier property is not called, the minidriver must determine that the supplied frequency is expressed in units of kHz (1Hz x 1000). In effect, the default multiplier value is 1000. For more information, see Accessing Frequency Properties of a BDA Tuner Node.
Header: bdamedia.h (include Bdamedia.h)