Installing an AVStream-based Hardware Codec Driver
An AVStream-based driver that has hardware codec support should supply an INF file that resembles that of other AVStream minidrivers. However, there are two specific entries that a hardware vendor can include to facilitate a particular driver behavior:
To specify that your decoder should be used only in a transcode topology and not in a playback topology, add the following to the decoder's AddReg section in the driver's INF file:
[shedVideoDecoder.Reader.AddReg] HKR,,CLSID,,%Proxy.CLSID% HKR,,FriendlyName,,%shedVideoDecoder.Reader.FriendlyName% HKR,,MFTMerit,0x00010001,7 HKR,Capabilities,"{111EA8CD-B62A-4bdb-89F6-67FFCDC2458B}",0x00010001,1
The previous code example excludes the decoder in playback topology. This might be a requirement for hardware vendors who have optimized their decoder to work with their encoder.
To enable a decoder, encoder, or video processor to be selected by Windows Media Player (WMP) and Windows 7 transcode functionality in the shell, the following registry keys should be set to 1:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsMediaFoundation\HardwareMFT\EnableDecoders HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsMediaFoundation\HardwareMFT\EnableEncoders HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsMediaFoundation\HardwareMFT\EnableVideoProcessors