Encoder Property Sets
This section describes the encoder and codec API-specific property sets that are available for encoder minidrivers that use WDM kernel-streaming services in Microsoft Windows 98/Me, Windows 2000, and Windows XP and later.
The reference page for each property contains a table with the column headings that are shown below.
Get | Set | Target | Property descriptor type | Property value type |
These headings have the following meanings:
Does the target KS object support the KSPROPERTY_TYPE_GET property request?
Does the target KS object support the KSPROPERTY_TYPE_SET property request?
This is the KS object to which property request is sent. The target for a video encoder property is either a filter or a pin. (The property request specifies the target object by its kernel handle.)
Property descriptor type
The property descriptor specifies the property and the operation to perform on that property. The descriptor always begins with a KSPROPERTY structure.
Property value type
A property has a value and the type of this value depends on the property. For example, a property that can be in one of only two states--on or off--typically has a BOOL value. A property that can assume integer values from 0x0 to 0xFFFFFFFF might have a ULONG value. More complex properties might have values that are arrays or structures.
The property descriptor and property value above are the property-specific versions of the instance-specification and operation-data buffers that are discussed in KS Properties, Events, and Methods.
A property request uses one of the following flags to specify the operation that is to be performed on the property:
All filter and pin objects support the basic-support operation on their properties. Whether they support the get and Set operations depends on the property. A property that represents an inherent capability of the filter or pin object is likely to require only a get operation. A property that represents a configurable setting might require only a Set operation, although a get operation might also be useful for reading the current setting. For more information about using the get, set, and basic-support operations with video encoder properties, see KS Properties.
A table in the description of every property indicates whether video encoder minidrivers are required to support reading or writing the property. Video encoder minidrivers should return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED in response to get or set requests for properties that are not supported by the minidriver.
The following property sets each contain a single property that must be implemented by video encoder minidrivers. That is, effectively each property gets its own set, so specify 0 in the PropertyId member of the KSPROPERTY_ITEM member in the KSPROPERTY_SET structure as required.
The following property sets belong to the codec API:
The following property sets belong to the encoder API: