

Creating Dispatch Tables

You must create a filter dispatch table for a filter descriptor (KSFILTER_DESCRIPTOR) of a BDA minidriver so that the network provider filter can open and initialize an instance of the filter and later release the filter instance. You must also create a pin dispatch table for each pin descriptor (KSPIN_DESCRIPTOR_EX) in the array of pin types that are available in the filter's template topology. The network provider filter uses a pin dispatch table to open and initialize a pin and later release the pin. The following code snippet shows examples of filter and pin dispatch tables:

//  Filter Dispatch Table
//  Lists the dispatch routines for major events at the filter
//  level.
FilterDispatch =
    CFilter::Create,        // Create
    CFilter::FilterClose,   // Close
    NULL,                   // Process
    NULL                    // Reset

//  Input Pin Dispatch Table
//  Lists the dispatch routines for major events at the pin level.
AntennaPinDispatch =
    CAntennaPin::PinCreate,         // Create
    CAntennaPin::PinClose,          // Close
    NULL,                           // Process signal data
    NULL,                           // Reset
    NULL,                           // SetDataFormat
    CAntennaPin::PinSetDeviceState, // SetDeviceState
    NULL,                           // Connect
    NULL,                           // Disconnect
    NULL,                           // Clock
    NULL                            // Allocator