

Discover method of the MSFT_StorageProvider class

Discovers the objects that are owned by the storage provider.

This method is used when a user needs to explicitly discover or re-enumerate objects owned by the storage provider. A call to this method will result in full or partial cache invalidation and over-the-wire calls to the storage subsystem to discover new or updated objects. Because this is an expensive task, this method should be used sparingly.

The scope of the discovery operation is controlled by the DiscoveryLevel and RootObject parameters. DiscoveryLevel controls the depth of the object discovery. RootObject defines the starting point from which discovery will happen.


UInt32 Discover(
  [in]  UInt16                 DiscoveryLevel,
  [in]  MSFT_StorageObject REF RootObject,
  [in]  Boolean                RunAsJob,
  [out] MSFT_StorageJob    REF CreatedStorageJob,
  [out] String                 ExtendedStatus


DiscoveryLevel [in]

The level (or depth) of discovery that should be performed. This parameter can only be specified if the root object is a storage provider, storage subsystem, or NULL. When specified, the storage provider will discover objects starting from Level 0 and continuing until the specified level is reached. Associations between objects (within the discovered levels) will also be discovered.

Value Meaning
Level 0 0 The storage provider, storage subsystem, and fileserver objects will be discovered. Note: Starting in Windows 10: Discovery of fileserver objects has been added.
Level 1 1 Storage pools, file shares, resiliency settings, target ports, target portals, and initiator identifiers will be discovered. Note: Starting in Windows 10: Discovery of file shares has been added.
Level 2 2 Virtual disks, volumes, partitions, disks, and masking sets will be discovered. Note: Starting in Windows 10: Discovery of volumes, partitions, and disks has been added.
Level 3 3 Physical disks will be discovered.

RootObject [in]

If this parameter is set, discovery will begin from this object. When DiscoveryLevel is NULL, well-defined actions will be taken depending on the type of object specified by RootObject:

  • Storage subsystem: All associated objects will be discovered.
  • Storage pool: The pool, along with any associated resiliency settings, virtual disks, and physical disks will be discovered.
  • Masking set: The masking set, along with any associated target ports, initiator identifiers, and virtual disks will be discovered.
  • For all other objects, only that object will be discovered or refreshed.

RunAsJob [in]

If TRUE, this method uses the CreatedStorageJob parameter when the request is taking a long time to service. If a storage job has been created to track the operation, this method will return Method Parameters Checked - Job Started.


Even if RunAsJob is TRUE, this method can still return a result if it has finished in sufficient time.

If FALSE or NULL, this method will follow default WMI asynchronous behavior as determined by the client's method for invocation. In other words, it is synchronous unless requested otherwise.

CreatedStorageJob [out]

If RunAsJob is set to TRUE and this method takes a long time to execute, this parameter receives a reference to the storage job object that is used to track the long-running operation.

ExtendedStatus [out]

A string that contains an embedded MSFT_StorageExtendedStatus object.

This parameter allows the storage provider to return extended (implementation-specific) error information.

Return value

Success (0)

Not Supported (1)

Unspecified Error (2)

Timeout (3)

Failed (4)

Invalid Parameter (5)

Method Parameters Checked - Job Started (4096)

Access denied (40001)

There are not enough resources to complete the operation. (40002)

Cannot connect to the storage provider. (46000)

The storage provider cannot connect to the storage subsystem. (46001)

The storage provider does not support a required profile. (46002)

The storage provider does not support a required association. (46003)

Discover failed for the root object. (46009 )

Discover failed on one or more subsystems. (46010)


Storage providers should complete Level 0 discovery at start-up. The MSFT_StorageProvider and MSFT_StorageSubSystem objects should be loaded into cache.

For better performance, storage subsystems that have the iSCSITargetCreationScheme property set to Auto should do their discovery of target ports along with the virtual disks in Level 2. Note that target portals should still be discovered in Level 1.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps only]
Namespace Root\Microsoft\Windows\Storage
MOF Storagewmi.mof

See also

