

GDL Exercise 6: Creating Specialized Versions


Using Exercise 5, create three specialized versions of *POption for *PFeature: PaperSize.

  • The first version is for Papersize options with instance names of 'Letter', 'Legal', and 'A4'. Those options will have their current behavior.

  • The second version is for Papersize options with instance names of 'Custom' and will recognize the following additional attributes: *MinSize and *MaxSize.

  • The third version will cover other papersize options that will be considered OEM defined and will recognize the additional attribute: *OEM_Info.

Make this change without deleting or modifying any of the previously defined templates. Create a simple GDL data file to verify proper templatization of the entries.


The following code example shows one possible answer.

*Template:  MIN_SIZE
    *Name: "*MinSize"
    *Type:  ATTRIBUTE
    *ValueType:  PAGE_DIM
*Template:  MAX_SIZE
    *Name: "*MaxSize"
    *Type:  ATTRIBUTE
    *ValueType:  PAGE_DIM

*Template:  OEM_INFO
    *Name: "*OEM_Info"
    *Type:  ATTRIBUTE
    *ValueType:  NORMAL_STRING

    *Inherits: PAPERSIZE_OPTION2
    *Members:  (OEM_INFO)
    *Instances:  <ANY>
    *Inherits: PAPERSIZE_OPTION2
    *Members:  (MIN_SIZE, MAX_SIZE)
    *Instances:  Custom
    *Inherits: PAPERSIZE_OPTION2
    *Instances:  (Letter, Legal, A4)

The following code example shows a sample GDL data file for verification.

*PFeature: random
    *Name:  "Generic Feature"
    *DefaultOption: First
    *POption: First
        *Name: "First Option"
        *Command: "Select me"
*PFeature: PaperSize
    *Name: "Paper Size"
    *DefaultOption: Letter
    *POption: Letter
        *Name: "Letter"
        *Command: "Select Letter"
        *PaperSize: PAIR(8.5, 11) ,  inches
    *POption:   Legal
        *Name: "Legal"
        *Command: "Select Legal"
        *PaperSize: PAIR(8.5, 14) ,  inches
    *POption: A4
        *Name: "A4"
        *Command: "Select A4"
        *PaperSize: PAIR(205, 317),  mm
    *POption: OEMName_Special_size
        *Name: "OEMName size"
        *Command: "Select OEMName size"
        *PaperSize: PAIR(365, 487), mm
        *OEM_Info: "<83 d4 93 ae>"

    *POption: Custom
        *Name: "Custom Size"
        *Command: "Select Custom"
        *MaxSize: PAIR(400, 500), mm
        *MinSize: PAIR(100, 150), mm
*PFeature: InputTray
    *Name:  "Paper Source"
    *DefaultOption: Upper
    *POption: Upper
        *Name: "Upper Tray"
        *Command:  "Select Upper Tray"
        *Capacity:  2000  *% sheets
    *POption: Lower
        *Name: "Lower Tray"
        *Command:  "Select Lower Tray"
        *Capacity:  500 *% sheets