This event occurs after a successful scan event.
The scanned data is variable length and consists of the PosBarcodeScannerDataReceivedEventData structure followed by ScanDataLength bytes of raw scan data followed by ScanDataLabelLength bytes of decoded scan data in which the header and footer information is removed, leaving only the scanner data. The data buffer for this event is as follows.
typedef struct _PosBarcodeScannerDataReceivedEventData
PosEventDataHeader Header;
UINT32 DataType;
UINT32 ScanDataLength;
UINT32 ScanDataLabelLength;
} PosBarcodeScannerDataReceivedEventData;
The following table shows the memory layout of the data buffer for this event.
Memory value | Description |
0x00000005 | Header.EventType = PosEventType::BarcodeScannerDataReceived |
0000020+Scan data length + label data length | Header.DataLength = sizeof(PosBarcodeScannerDataReceivedEventData) + ScanDataLength + ScanDataLabelLength |
UINT32 | PosBarcodeScannerDataReceivedEventData.DataType |
UINT32 | PosBarcodeScannerDataReceivedEventData.ScanDataLength |
UINT32 | PosBarcodeScannerDataReceivedEventData.ScanDataLabelLength |
byte [] | ScanDataLength bytes of raw scan data |
byte [] | ScanDataLabelLength bytes of decoded scan data |
Header: pointofservicedriverinterface.h