

Using a Callout for Deep Inspection

When a callout is performing deep inspection, its classifyFn callout function can inspect any combination of the fixed data fields, the metadata fields, and any raw packet data that is passed to it, and any relevant data that has been stored in a context associated with the filter or the data flow.

For example:

// classifyFn callout function
    IN const FWPS_INCOMING_VALUES0  *inFixedValues,
    IN OUT VOID  *layerData,
    IN const FWPS_FILTER0  *filter,
    IN UINT64  flowContext,
    IN OUT FWPS_CLASSIFY_OUT  *classifyOut

  // Test for the FWPS_RIGHT_ACTION_WRITE flag to check the rights
  // for this callout to return an action. If this flag is not set,
  // a callout can still return a BLOCK action in order to VETO a
  // PERMIT action that was returned by a previous filter. In this
  // example the function just exits if the flag is not set.
 if (!(classifyOut->rights & FWPS_RIGHT_ACTION_WRITE))
    // Return without specifying an action

  // Get the data fields from inFixedValues

  // Get any metadata fields from inMetaValues

  // Get the pointer to the raw data
 rawData = (PNET_BUFFER_LIST)layerData;

  // Get any filter context data from filter->context

  // Get any flow context data from flowContext

  // Inspect the various data sources to determine
  // the action to be taken on the data

  // If the data should be permitted...
 if (...) {

    // Set the action to permit the data
 classifyOut->actionType = FWP_ACTION_PERMIT;

    // Check whether the FWPS_RIGHT_ACTION_WRITE flag should be cleared
       // Clear the FWPS_RIGHT_ACTION_WRITE flag
 classifyOut->rights &= ~FWPS_RIGHT_ACTION_WRITE;



  // If the data should be blocked...
 if (...) {

    // Set the action to block the data
 classifyOut->actionType = FWP_ACTION_BLOCK;

    // Clear the FWPS_RIGHT_ACTION_WRITE flag
 classifyOut->rights &= ~FWPS_RIGHT_ACTION_WRITE;



  // If the decision to permit or block should be passed
  // to the next filter in the filter engine...
 if (...) {

    // Set the action to continue with the next filter
 classifyOut->actionType = FWP_ACTION_CONTINUE;



The value in filter->action.type determines which actions the callout's classifyFn callout function should return in the actionType member of the structure pointed to by the classifyOut parameter. For more information about these actions, see the FWPS_ACTION0 structure.

If a callout must perform additional processing of packet data outside its classifyFn callout function before it can determine whether the data should be permitted or blocked, it must pend the packet data until the processing of the data is completed. For information about how to pend packet data, see Types of Callouts and FwpsPendOperation0.

At some filtering layers, the layerData parameter that is passed by the filter engine to a callout's classifyFn callout function is NULL.

For information about how to perform deep inspection of stream data, see Using a Callout for Deep Inspection of Stream Data.