


OID_WWAN_DELETE_MAC requests the miniport driver to delete the NDIS port specified in the NDIS_WWAN_MAC_INFO parameter. The NDIS port should have been created earlier using OID_WWAN_CREATE_MAC.

Miniport drivers must process the set request asynchronously, initially returning NDIS_STATUS_PENDING to the original request, and later completing the request with NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS.

Query requests are not supported.


Miniport drivers must process requests to delete (deactivate) NDIS ports asynchronously in order to prevent deadlocks.

OID_WWAN_DELETE_MAC requests sent to delete the default port will fail with the NDIS status error code NDIS_STATUS_INVALID_PORT.

Upon receiving an OID_WWAN_DELETE_MAC request, miniport drivers should deactivate the PDP context associated with the port, if it has not already been deactivated. This is because a surprise removal event could occur. Deactivating the PDP context at such time will ensure that the modem and the miniport driver remain in a good state.

When the driver receives a surprise removal, the driver blocks and cancels all further OIDs. This means that the driver filters out OID_WWAN_DELETE_MAC even though Windows sends a call with OID_WWAN_DELETE_MAC as part of the FILTER_DETACH call.



Available in Windows 8.1 and later versions of Windows.


Ntddndis.h (include Ndis.h)

See also