


Miniport drivers use the NDIS_STATUS_WWAN_PACKET_SERVICE notification to inform the MB Service when packet service availability changes, including to notify of a change to the type of packet data service currently used.

Miniport drivers can also send unsolicited events with this notification.

This notification uses the NDIS_WWAN_PACKET_SERVICE_STATE structure.


CDMA-based miniport drivers can automatically initiate packet-attach service if there is no resource allocation/release is possible and can send the event notification to the MB Service.

Miniport drivers should obey the following guidelines for event notifications:

  • Miniport drivers should set AvailableDataClasses is set to WWAN_DATA_CLASS_NONE during miniport driver initialization. Thereafter, miniport drivers must notify the MB Service whenever there is any change to AvailableDataClasses.

  • Miniport drivers should set CurrentDataClass to WWAN_DATA_CLASS_NONE during miniport driver initialization. Thereafter, miniport drivers must notify the MB Service whenever there is any change to CurrentDataClass . Miniport drivers should send an NDIS_STATUS_LINK_STATE notification if the change to CurrentDataClass results in a change of the transmit or receive link speed.

  • Miniport drivers must notify the MB Service whenever there is any change in Packet Service attach state.

Miniport drivers should return query results according to the following rules:

  • Miniport drivers must return WWAN_STATUS_SUCCESS with WwanPacketServiceStateAttaching whenever the device attempts to packet-attach.

  • Miniport drivers should return WWAN_STATUS_SUCCESS with WwanPacketServiceStateDetaching whenever the device attempts to packet-detach.

  • When the device is in final state, miniport drivers should return WWAN_STATUS_SUCCESS along with the appropriate current state ( WwanPacketServiceStateAttached or WwanPacketServiceStateDetached)

  • Miniport drivers must list all the available data-classes; not just the highest data-class available. This applies to both query operations as well as event notifications.

Miniport drivers should return set results according to the following rules:

  • Return WWAN_STATUS_SUCCESS, if set request with WwanPacketServiceActionAttach, is issued by the Service and the device is already in the packet-attached state.

  • Return WWAN_STATUS_SUCCESS, if set request with WwanPacketServiceActionDetach, is issued by the Service and the device is already in the packet-detached state.

  • Never return transient states for the set request. Only the final states WwanPacketServiceStateAttached or WwanPacketServiceStateDetached must be returned after the successful completion of the packet service operation with WWAN_STATUS_SUCCESS



Available in Windows 7 and later versions of Windows.



See also