

Installation of Callout Drivers

A callout driver can be installed by right-clicking the driver's setup information file (INF) file and selecting Install from the pop-up menu that appears.

After a callout driver has been successfully installed, it can be loaded (started) by typing the following at the command prompt:

net start drivername

Depending on the value specified for the StartType entry in the [drivername.Services] section of the INF file, the callout driver might be automatically loaded the next time that the system is restarted. A callout driver should usually specify zero (SERVICE_BOOT_START) for this value so that the driver is loaded and its callouts are registered before the filter engine is started. See the INF AddService Directive for more information.

A callout driver that is currently loaded can be unloaded (stopped) by typing the following at the command prompt:

net stop drivername

A callout driver can also be installed, loaded (started), unloaded (stopped), and/or uninstalled by writing a user-mode application that calls the Win32 Service Control Manager API. For more information about Win32 service control functions, such as CreateService, OpenService, StartService, ControlService, and DeleteService, see the Microsoft Windows SDK.


Starting in Windows 8 and later, callout drivers cannot be viewed or managed in the Device Manager because the Plug-and-Play (PnP) manager no longer creates device representations for non-PnP (legacy) devices.