

Filter Module PnP Event Notifications

Filter drivers can receive all the device Plug and Play (PnP) notifications that underlying miniport drivers receive. Also, filter drivers can receive all the network PnP notifications that overlying protocol drivers receive.The handling of PnP notifications is driver specific.

The following figure illustrates a filtered device PnP event notification.

Diagram illustrating a filtered device Plug and Play event notification.

Filter drivers provide a FilterDevicePnPEventNotify function that NDIS calls to pass in device PnP and Power Management event notifications. This is similar to the MiniportDevicePnPEventNotify function.

Filter drivers can forward device PnP and Power Management events to underlying drivers. To forward a device PnP or Power Management event, call the NdisFDevicePnPEventNotify function.

The following figure illustrates a filtered network PnP event notification.

Diagram illustrating a filtered network device Plug and Play event notification.

Filter drivers provide a FilterNetPnPEvent function that NDIS calls to pass in network PnP and Power Management event notifications. This is similar to the ProtocolNetPnPEvent function.

Filter drivers can forward network PnP and Power Management events to overlying drivers. To forward a network PnP or Power Management event, call the NdisFNetPnPEvent function.

Filter drivers should handle driver stack changes. For more information about driver stack changes, see Modifying a Running Driver Stack.

If necessary to allow handling of these events, NDIS can initiate a pause operation after the PnP or Power Management notification. For more information, see Pausing a Driver Stack.