

Examining the AnswerFile

Note  Vendor-supplied network upgrades are not supported in Microsoft Windows XP (SP1 and later), Microsoft Windows Server 2003, and later operating systems.

Immediately before the "Setup is Copying Files" progress bar is displayed on a system being upgraded, the AnswerFile is created. NetSetup and vendor-supplied network migration DLLs create sections in the AnswerFile and then write entries to these sections during the Winnt32 upgrade phase.

You can examine the AnswerFile by copying c:\$win_nt$.~bt\winnt.sif to %TEMP%. After the AnswerFile has been copied, you can click Cancel to cancel file copying. You do not have to wait until file copying is finished.

The following table lists the top-level sections in the AnswerFile and the corresponding entries that each section contains that pertain to network components:

Section Entries Contained


Network adapters, including ISDN adapters


Async adapters


Network protocols


Network services


Network clients

Note  NetClient components are deprecated in Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, and later.

For each network component that it finds during the Winnt32 phase, NetSetup writes an entry to the appropriate top-level section of the AnswerFile. Each entry has the following format:


The postupgrade-ID entry is the Windows 2000 or later device ID that NetSetup obtained from the netmap.inf file for the component.

Each entry specifies the name of the parameters section for that component in the AnswerFile. For example, if a component's Windows 2000 or later device ID is netadapter2, its entry in the NetAdapters section is params.netadapter2. The top-level sections and the parameter sections in an AnswerFile are not visible to a network migration DLL.

To the parameters section name for a component, NetSetup adds the extension OemSection to create the OEM-section name for the component. For example, if the parameters section for a component is params.netadapter2, the OEM-section name for the component is params.netadapter2.OemSection. NetSetup passes the OEM-section name as the szSectionName parameter to the DoPreUpgradeProcessing function supplied by the network migration DLL for the component. The DoPreUpgradeProcessing function calls the NetUpgradeAddSection function to create the OEM-section for a component in the AnswerFile. The DoPreUpgradeProcessing function then calls the NetUpgradeAddLineToSection to add component-specific information to the OEM-section.

The following portion of an AnswerFile shows the sections and entries for a network adapter whose Windows 2000 or later device ID is adapter2:

[NetAdapter]              ;top-level adapters section
adapter2=params.adapter2      ;entry for adapter2
[params.adapter2]          ;parameters section for adapter2
InfID=adapter2            ;Windows 2000 or later device ID
OemSection=params.adapter2.OemSection  ;Identifies the OemSection

[params.adapter2.OemSection]  ;OemSection created by migration DLL
InfToRunAfterInstall="", adapter2.SectionToRun ;Written by DLL

[adapter2.SectionToRun]      ;Section created by migration DLL
AddReg=adapter2.SectionToRun.AddReg ;AddReg directive

[adapter2.SectionToRun.AddReg] ;AddReg section created by DLL
HKR,0\0,IsdnPhoneNumber,0,"111-1111" ;AddReg entries written by DLL

During the GUI mode phase, NetSetup detects the InfToRunAfterInstall key written by the migration DLL to the params.adapter2.OemSection of the example AnswerFile. As directed by this key, NetSetup processes the adapter2.SectionToRun.AddReg section. The adapter2.SectionToRun.AddReg section directs NetSetup to add parameter values to adapater2's instance key in the Windows 2000 or later registry. These parameter values should match the preupgrade parameter values that the migration DLL read from adapter2's the registry during the Winnt32 phase of the upgrade.

If a network migration DLL is to be loaded during the GUI mode phase, its DoPreUpgradeProcessing function sets the NUA_LOAD_POST_UPGRADE flag. This flag causes NetSetup to write the OemDllToLoad entry to the component's parameters section in the AnswerFile. The OemDllToLoad entry causes NetSetup to load the migration DLL for the component during the GUI mode phase.

The following example shows the AnswerFile sections and entries for a component whose network migration DLL is loaded during the GUI mode phase:

[NetAdapter]              ;top-level adapters section
adapter2=params.adapter2      ;entry for adapter2
[params.adapter2]          ;parameters section for adapter2
InfID=adapter2            ;postupgrade device ID
OemSection=params.adapter2.OemSection;Identifies the OemSection

Note the OemDllToLoad entry in the params.adapter2 section. Also note that the migration DLL did not create a params.adapter2.OemSection. When the migration DLL is to be loaded during the GUI mode phase, it typically does not write an InfToRunAfterInstall key to the AnswerFile. The DLL performs the postinstallation upgrade; therefore, it does not need to create an Oem-Section name that contains directives for NetSetup to perform during the GUI mode phase.