

Default NDIS Port

Port zero is reserved as the default port for a miniport adapter. If the PortNumber parameter of any function or the PortNumber member of any structure is set to zero, either the miniport driver did not allocate any ports, or the current activity is not port-specific.

For a good example of the default NDIS port, consider a load balancing and failover (LBFO) MUX intermediate driver. The virtual miniport of such a driver can be port zero (the default port). The intermediate driver can assign ports to the underlying miniport adapters with the port numbers ranging from 1 through the number of ports (N). An overlying driver could send data to port zero to allow the LBFO driver to select one of the underlying ports, or the overlying driver could specify a port number from 1 through N to choose a specific port for the send operation.

Miniport drivers do not have to allocate any ports or support any port numbers other than the default port. Even if a miniport driver does not allocate ports, NDIS allocates the default port and activates it after the miniport driver calls the NdisMSetMiniportAttributes function to set the registration attributes in the NDIS_MINIPORT_ADAPTER_REGISTRATION_ATTRIBUTES structure. Miniport drivers can start operations on the default port when NdisMSetMiniportAttributes successfully returns. In this case, NDIS frees the default port when the miniport driver returns from the MiniportHaltEx function.