

Calling SetupWriteTextLog

SetupWriteTextLog adds a single entry with information about an installation event to a SetupAPI text log.

As described in Format of a Text Log Section Body, the format of a log entry consists of the following fields:

entry_prefix time_stamp event_category indentation formatted_message

To call SetupWriteTextLog, an application supplies following information:

  • The log token for a section in a text log that was obtained by calling SetupGetThreadLogToken, or one of the system-defined log tokens. If the log token is associated with a text log section, SetupWriteTextLog writes the log entry in that section. Otherwise, SetupWriteTextLog adds the log entry to a part of the log that is not included in a text log section. In addition, whether SetupWriteTextLog writes a log entry, and to which text log SetupWriteTextLog writes the entry, depends on the system-defined log token value.

    For more information about log tokens, see Setting and Getting a Log Token for a Thread.

  • One of the event categories that are described in Enabling Event Categories for a Text Log. If the event category for the entry is enabled for the text log, SetupWriteTextLog adds the entry to the text log; otherwise, SetupWriteTextLog does not write the entry to the text log.

  • A flag value that is a bitwise OR of system-defined constants that specify the event level, the indentation depth, and whether to include a time stamp. Event levels are described in Setting the Event Level for a Text Log. If the event level set for the text log is greater than or equal to the event level for the entry, SetupWriteTextLog writes a log entry to the text log; otherwise, SetupWriteTextLog does not write a log entry to the text log. By using indentation, formatted messages can be arranged to make the information in a section easier to read and understand. For more information, see Writing Indented Log Entries.

  • A printf-compatible format string that formats both the message and the list of comma-separated variables that follows the format string.

  • A comma-separated list of variables, whose values are formatted by the printf-compatible format string.

For an example on how to call SetupWriteTextLog to log information about an event that is not an error or a warning, see Writing an Information Log Entry.

For an example on how to call SetupWriteTextLog to log information about an error or a warning, see Writing an Error or Warning Log Entry.