

WIA Item Flags for Film Scanners

This topic lists the required WIA item flags for a scanner film item and scanner film child items (that is, frames). For a complete list of the WIA item flags and their definitions, see WIA_IPA_ITEM_FLAGS.

Required WIA Item Flags for Film Scanners

The WIA film scanner item is required to support the following WIA item flags:

The WIA item is configurable and follows a set of predefined configuration rules that are based on the WIA_IPA_ITEM_CATEGORY property. This flag is required because the film scanning part of the scanner is programmable.

The WIA item can be used to transfer data. This flag is required because the scanner's film item can be used to transfer data.

The item is a file. This flag is required by the WiaItemTypeImage flag.

The item is an image. This flag is required because the film scanner reports image formats for the WIA_IPA_FORMAT property values. (WIA requires that all film scanner items support at least one image format.) WIA currently requires that the WiaImgFmt_BMP and WiaImgFmt_MEMORYBMP image formats be supported.

The item is a folder. This flag is required for the root film item to allow enumeration of the individual frame child items. (Frames represent multiple selected regions on a single film scanning surface.) The scanner film child items (frames) cannot have this flag.