

WIA Item Flags

This topic applies to Windows Vista and later.

WIA item flags are used to help classify the content or supported behavior of a particular WIA item. The WIA item flags fall into two basic groups:

Item status flags
Flags that report the current state of the WIA item.

For example: WiaItemTypeDisconnected, WiaItemTypeDeleted, etc.

Item data representation/usage flags
Flags that report the data that the WIA item represents or can produce if transferred.

For example: WiaItemTypeImage is a data representation flag that tells the application the data associated with the current WIA item is image data and should have image data properties. WiaItemTypeProgrammableDataSource is an item usage flag that tells the application that the WIA item is configurable, follows a set of predefined configuration rules base on the WIA_IPA_ITEM_CATEGORY, and the configuration can possibly change the result for each data transfer. See WIA Item Categories for more information about category definitions.

For a complete list of the WIA item flags and their definitions see WIA_IPA_ITEM_FLAGS.