


The WIA_IPS_PHOTOMETRIC_INTERP property contains the current setting for white and black pixels. The WIA minidriver creates and maintains this property.

Property Type: VT_I4

Valid Values: WIA_PROP_LIST

Access Rights: Read/write


An application reads the WIA_IPS_PHOTOMETRIC_INTERP property to determine the value assigned to white or black pixels (depending on what the application is doing).

The following table describes the constants that are valid with WIA_IPS_PHOTOMETRIC_INTERP.

Value Definition
WIA_PHOTO_WHITE_0 White is 0, and black is 1.
WIA_PHOTO_WHITE_1 White is 1, and black is 0.

If a device can be set to only a single value, create a WIA_PROP_LIST type, and place the valid value in it.

The WIA_IPS_PHOTOMETRIC_INTERP property is required for all image acquisition items and stored images.


Header: wiadef.h (include Wiadef.h)