

Page Size and Orientation

Scanner settings for page size and orientation are interrelated. Both determine the size of a page that will be scanned.

For example, the page size and extent values used by WIA_PROP_LIST depend on valid settings of the WIA_IPS_ORIENTATION property. Therefore, if a device cannot scan landscape-oriented documents with a WIA_PAGE_A4 setting, WIA_PAGE_A4 should not appear in the list of valid values for the WIA_IPS_PAGE_SIZE property when WIA_IPS_ORIENTATION is set to LANSCAPE.

The value of the WIA_IPS_ORIENTATION property determines the orientation of the currently selected page. The WIA_IPS_PAGE_HEIGHT and WIA_IPS_PAGE_WIDTH properties report the page's dimensions, in thousandths of an inch (.001). These height and width properties must contain values that are equivalent to the values in WIA_IPS_XEXTENT and WIA_IPS_YEXTENT, which provide the page's dimensions in pixels.

For more information about working with page size and orientation, see the following topics:

Supported Scanner Paper Sizes

Custom and Auto Page Sizes

Page Orientation

Scanner Page Size and Orientation Code Examples