

IWiaMiniDrv COM interface

Imaging applications make requests to the WIA service, which in turn communicates with the device minidriver through the minidriver writer-implemented IWiaMiniDrv interface. Applications typically make requests for:

Applications make requests to the WIA service through the WIA application programming interface (API). For more information about this interface, see the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.

The IWiaMiniDrv interface provides the entry points shown in the following tables for the WIA service to control the device. A WIA minidriver must implement every IWiaMiniDrv method. These entry points are defined through the following IWiaMiniDrv methods.

Creating and initializing items

Method Description
IWiaMiniDrv::drvAnalyzeItem Inspects an item and, if necessary, creates subitems.
IWiaMiniDrv::drvInitializeWia Initializes the WIA minidriver.
IWiaMiniDrv::drvInitItemProperties Initializes driver item properties for each item in an application item tree.

Deleting items

Method Description
IWiaMiniDrv::drvDeleteItem Deletes a driver item.
IWiaMiniDrv::drvFreeDrvItemContext Frees a device-specific context.
IWiaMiniDrv::drvUnInitializeWia Releases device resources associated with an application item tree.

Enumerating device capabilities

Method Description
IWiaMiniDrv::drvGetCapabilities Reports the events and commands supported by a WIA minidriver.

Enumerating image formats

Method Description
IWiaMiniDrv::drvGetWiaFormatInfo Gets supported device formats and media types.

Issuing device commands

Method Description
IWiaMiniDrv::drvDeviceCommand Issues a command to an imaging device.

Locking and unlocking a device

Method Description
IWiaMiniDrv::drvLockWiaDevice Locks access to an imaging device.
IWiaMiniDrv::drvUnLockWiaDevice Unlocks access to an imaging device.

Notifying a device of an event

Method Description
IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnPEvent Indicates a WIA minidriver's response to a Plug and Play event.

Obtaining device error strings

Method Description
IWiaMiniDrv::drvGetDeviceErrorStr Maps a device error value to a string.

Reading and storing item properties

Method Description
IWiaMiniDrv::drvReadItemProperties Reads driver item properties.
IWiaMiniDrv::drvValidateItemProperties Validates driver item properties.
IWiaMiniDrv::drvWriteItemProperties Writes driver item properties to the device (if needed).

Transferring data

Method Description
IWiaMiniDrv::drvAcquireItemData Transfers data from a driver item to the WIA service.