

Image Application Dialog Extensions

There are three mechanisms for extending WIA image application dialogs. These include:

  • Supplying a device icon to be used in place of the system-provided icon in any place where an icon needs to be displayed for the device. To do this, implement the IWiaUIExtension::GetDeviceIcon method.

  • Providing property sheet extensions that extend the system-provided property pages, which are displayed when the user views the advanced settings or properties for a device in the common WIA acquisition dialog or in Windows Explorer. To do this, implement the IShellExtInit and IShellPropSheetExt interfaces (see the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation).

  • Providing a complete replacement for the system-provided dialogs displayed in response to a call to IWiaItem::DeviceDlg (see the Windows SDK documentation). To do this, implement the IWiaUIExtension::DeviceDialog method.

The remainder of this section contains additional information about the IWiaUIExtension COM interface.