

Deleting an Item from the Driver Tree

In order to delete a driver item, the WIA service calls the minidriver entry point IWiaMiniDrv::drvDeleteItem. In this method, the minidriver attempts to delete the item to which the WIA service context parameter pWiasContext points. If the item is successfully deleted, the method returns S_OK and sets the device error value parameter, plDevErrVal, to zero. If a device error occurs, the method returns FAILED and a device-specific error value in plDevErrVal. The minidriver should call the wiasQueueEvent function to inform all connected applications that an item has been deleted.

After the root item has been deleted, the WIA service calls IWiaMiniDrv::drvFreeDrvItemContext to free the resources used by the driver-specific context. The WIA service then deletes the item and the driver-specific context.