

AGP-Type Aperture-Space Segments

An AGP-type aperture-space segment is similar to a linear aperture-space segment. However, the kernel-mode display miniport driver (KMD) doesn't expose DXGK_OPERATION_MAP_APERTURE_SEGMENT and DXGK_OPERATION_UNMAP_APERTURE_SEGMENT operation types of the DxgkDdiBuildPagingBuffer callback function through the AGP-type aperture-space segment. Instead, the video memory manager (VidMm) uses the GART driver to map and unmap system pages. That is, VidMm doesn't involve the KMD

The KMD must set the Agp bit-field flag in the Flags member of the DXGK_SEGMENTDESCRIPTOR structure to specify an AGP-type aperture-space segment.