

ReqMarkCancelableSend rule (kmdf)

The ReqMarkCancelableSend rule specifies that requests forwarded by the driver are not marked as cancelable by calling WdfRequestMarkCancelable.

To mark the request as cancelable, the driver must own the request. When the request is sent to another driver, the previous driver no longer has ownership and must call WdfRequestUnmarkCancelable on the request if it was previously marked cancelable.

Driver model: KMDF

How to test

At compile time

Run Static Driver Verifier and specify the ReqMarkCancelableSend rule.

Use the following steps to run an analysis of your code:
  1. Prepare your code (use role type declarations).
  2. Run Static Driver Verifier.
  3. View and analyze the results.

For more information, see Using Static Driver Verifier to Find Defects in Drivers.

Applies to

WdfRequestMarkCancelable WdfRequestMarkCancelableEx WdfRequestSend WdfRequestUnmarkCancelable