

Boot Parameters to Load a Partial Checked Build

A partial checked build contains checked build versions of the kernel and HAL and a free build of the remainder of the operating system. For details, see Installing Just the Checked Operating System and HAL (For Windows Vista and Later).


Checked builds were available on older versions of Windows, before Windows 10 version 1803. Use tools such as Driver Verifier and GFlags to check driver code.

Configuring a Partial Checked Build in Windows

To configure a partial checked build use the BCDedit /set command and the kernel and hal options.

The following commands configure a boot entry to use the checked versions of the kernel and hardware abstraction layer (HAL).

bcdedit /set {18b123cd-2bf6-11db-bfae-00e018e2b8db} kernel ntoskrnl.chk
bcdedit /set {18b123cd-2bf6-11db-bfae-00e018e2b8db} hal halacpi.chk

To view the results of the commands, type bcdedit /enum. The /enum option lists all of the boot entries. The boot entry that has been modified to use the checked versions of the kernel and HAL has also been configured for kernel debugging over a serial connection.

## Windows Boot Loader
identifier              {18b123cd-2bf6-11db-bfae-00e018e2b8db}
device                  partition=C:
path                    \Windows\system32\winload.exe
description             PartialCheckedBuild
locale                  en-US
inherit                 {bootloadersettings}
debugtype               serial
debugport               1
baudrate                115200
osdevice                partition=C:
systemroot              \Windows
kernel                  ntoskrnl.chk
hal                     halacpi.chk
resumeobject            {d7094401-2641-11db-baba-00e018e2b8db}
nx                      OptIn
debug                   Yes