

Build a UWP device app step-by-step

This step-by-step guide describes in detail how to build a UWP device app with Microsoft Visual Studio and the Device Metadata Authoring Wizard. For a high-level introduction to this process, see Building UWP device apps.

A UWP device app is a special type of UWP app that device manufacturers create to serve as a companion to their internal or peripheral device. By using device metadata, device apps can run privileged operations and automatically install when a device is plugged in. For more info about UWP device apps, see Meet UWP device apps.

In this section

Topic Description
Step 1: Create a UWP device app This topic describes the basic process for creating a UWP device app by using Visual Studio. Learn about the tasks that are common to all UWP device apps.
Step 2: Create device metadata This topic describes how to use the Device Metadata Authoring Wizard to create new device metadata that associates your UWP device app with a device. The wizard can also create a StoreManifest.xml file that you may need to add to your app in the next step.
Step 3: Add an experience ID to the app This topic describes how to add the experience ID to your UWP device app. The experience ID is a GUID that uniquely identifies a device metadata package; it's required if your app is configured for automatic installation, as is the case with UWP device apps for printers and cameras.
Step 4: Test device metadata This topic describes how you can test device metadata for your UWP device app locally before you submit it to the Windows Dev Center Dashboard.
Step 5: Submit the app This topic describes how to submit your UWP device app to the Microsoft Store dashboard.
Step 6: Submit device metadata This topic describes how to submit device metadata for your UWP device app to the Windows Dev Center hardware dashboard.