


The !usbkd.usbhcdlogex command displays an annotated debug log for a USB host controller.

!usbkd.usbhcdlogex DeviceExtension[, NumberOfEntries]


Address of the device extension for the functional device object (FDO) of a UHCI or EHCI USB host controller.

The number of log entries to display. To display the entire log, set this parameter to -1.




Here is one way to find the address of the device extension for the FDO of a USB host controller. First enter !usbkd.usb2tree.

0 kd> !usbkd.usb2tree

EHCI MINIPORT(s) dt usbport!_USBPORT_MINIPORT_DRIVER ffffe00001f48bd0

2)!ehci_info ffffe00001ca11a0 !devobj ffffe00001ca1050 PCI: VendorId 8086 DeviceId 293c RevisionId 0002 

In the preceding output, the address of the device extension of the FDO is displayed as the argument of the DML command !ehci_info ffffe00001ca11a0.

Now pass the address of the device extension to the !usbhcdlogex command. In this example, the second argument limits the display to 20 log entries.

0: kd> !usbkd.usbhcdlogex ffffe00001ca11a0, 20
LOG@: ffffe00001ca11b8 
>LOG mask = 3ff idx = fff68e95 (295)
*LOG: ffffe000020192a0  LOGSTART: ffffe00002014000 *LOGEND: ffffe0000201bfe0 # 20 
[ 000] ffffe000020192a0 xSt0 ffffe00001ca1b88 0000000000000006 0000000000000001 
[ 001] ffffe000020192c0 xnd8 ffffe00001ca1b88 ffffe00001ca1050 0000000000000000 
[ 002] ffffe000020192e0 xnd0 ffffe00001ca1b88 ffffe00001ca1050 0000000000000000 
// USBPORT_Xdpc_End()    - USBPORT_Core_UsbHcIntDpc_Worker() DPC/XDPC: 2 of 4

[ 003] ffffe00002019300 gNX0 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ffffe00001ca1b88 
[ 004] ffffe00002019320 xbg1 ffffe00001ca1b88 ffffe00001ca1050 0000000000000000 
[ 005] ffffe00002019340 xbg0 ffffe00001ca1b88 ffffe00001ca1050 ffffe00001ca22e8 
// USBPORT_Xdpc_iBegin() - USBPORT_Core_UsbHcIntDpc_Worker() DPC/XDPC: 2 of 4

[ 006] ffffe00002019360 tmo4 0000000000000000 0000000000000040 ffffe00001ca1c20 
[ 007] ffffe00002019380 tmo3 0000000000000000 0000000000989680 ffffe00001ca1c20 
[ 008] ffffe000020193a0 tmo2 0000000000000000 00000000000003e8 ffffe00001ca1c20 
[ 009] ffffe000020193c0 tmo1 0000000000000000 000000000002625a ffffe00001ca1c20 
[ 010] ffffe000020193e0 tmo0 00000000000003e8 ffffe00001ca1b88 ffffe00001ca1c20 
[ 011] ffffe00002019400 hci0 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 
[ 012] ffffe00002019420 xSt0 ffffe00001ca1b88 0000000000000008 0000000000000003 
[ 013] ffffe00002019440 xdw4 ffffe00001ca1b88 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 
[ 014] ffffe00002019460 xdw2 ffffe00001ca1b88 ffffe00001ca1050 0000000000000002 
[ 015] ffffe00002019480 xdB0 ffffe00001ca1b88 ffffe00001ca1050 0000000000000000 
// USBPORT_Xdpc_Worker_HcIntDpc()  DPC/XDPC: 2 of 4

[ 016] ffffe000020194a0 iDP- 0000000000000000 0000000000b73e26 0000000000000000 
// USBPORT_IsrDpc() - Exit()

[ 017] ffffe000020194c0 xSt0 ffffe00001ca1b88 0000000000000007 0000000000000002 
[ 018] ffffe000020194e0 Xsi1 ffffe00001ca1b88 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 
// USBPORT_Xdpc_iSignal()- USBPORT_Core_UsbHcIntDpc_Worker() DPC/XDPC: 2 of 4

[ 019] ffffe00002019500 chgZ 0000000000000000 0000000000b73e26 0000000000000000 

See also

USB 2.0 Debugger Extensions

Universal Serial Bus (USB) Drivers