

Writing DbgEng Extension Code

DbgEng extension commands can include any standard C++ code. They can also include the C++ interfaces that appear in the dbgeng.h header file, in addition to the C functions that appear in the wdbgexts.h header file.

If you intend to use functions from wdbgexts.h, you need to define KDEXT_64BIT before wdbgexts.h is included. For example:

#define KDEXT_64BIT
#include wdbgexts.h
#include dbgeng.h

For a full list of interfaces in dbgeng.h that can be used in an extension command, see Debugger Engine Reference.

For a full list of functions in wdbgexts.h that can be used in an extension command, see WdbgExts Functions. A number of these functions appear in 32-bit versions and 64-bit versions. Typically, the 64-bit versions end in "64" and the 32-bit versions have no numerical ending -- for example, ReadIoSpace64 and ReadIoSpace. When calling a wdbgexts.h function from a DbgEng extension, you should always use the function name ending in "64". This is because the debugger engine always uses 64-bit pointers internally, regardless of the target platform.

If you include wdbgexts.h in your DbgEng extension, you should call GetWindbgExtensionApis64 during the initialization of your extension DLL (see DebugExtensionInitialize).

Note   You must not attempt to call any DbgHelp or ImageHlp routines from any debugger extension. Calling these routines is not supported and may cause a variety of problems.