

WmiQueryTraceInformation function (wdm.h)

The WmiQueryTraceInformation routine returns information about a WMI event trace.


NTSTATUS WmiQueryTraceInformation(
  [in]            TRACE_INFORMATION_CLASS TraceInformationClass,
  [out]           PVOID                   TraceInformation,
  [in]            ULONG                   TraceInformationLength,
  [out, optional] PULONG                  RequiredLength,
  [in, optional]  PVOID                   Buffer


[in] TraceInformationClass

Specifies a TRACE_INFORMATION_CLASS enumerator that indicates the type of information to return about an event trace.

[out] TraceInformation

A pointer to a caller-allocated output buffer where the routine returns the event trace information specified by TraceInformationClass.

[in] TraceInformationLength

Specifies the size, in bytes, of the TraceInformation buffer.

[out, optional] RequiredLength

A pointer to the value returned by the routine that specifies the required size, in bytes, of the TraceInformation buffer. The caller should set RequiredLength to NULL if it does not use the required length information.

[in, optional] Buffer

A pointer to the query-specific input information that a caller supplies. If caller-supplied information is not required, the caller should set Buffer to NULL.

Return value

Return code Description
The size of the TraceInformation buffer is not equal to the required size for the specified event trace information.
The trace handle specified by the HistoricalContext member of the (PWNODE_HEADER)Buffer is not valid.
The specified type of event trace information is not valid.
The name of the event trace, supplied with a query to return a trace handle given its name, is not valid.
The caller did not supply the information required for the specified event trace information.
The TraceInformation buffer is not large enough to hold an array of all the valid event trace handles.
A global logger was not found.


For each type of event trace information specified by TraceInformationClass, the following table provides:

  • Input requirements
  • Information that WmiQueryTraceInformation returns in the TraceInformation buffer
Value of TraceClassInformation Input requirements Information returned
TraceIdClass TraceInformationLength is equal to the value of sizeof(ULONG).

The size, in bytes of the TraceInformation buffer is greater than or equal to the value of sizeof(ULONG).

The HistoricalContext member of (PWNODE_HEADER)Buffer specifies an event trace handle.

*(PULONG)TraceInformation is set to the logger ID of the event trace handle.
TraceHandleClass TraceInformationLength is equal to the value of sizeof(TRACEHANDLE).

The size, in bytes of the TraceInformation buffer must be greater than or equal to the value of sizeof(TRACEHANDLE).

*(PULONG)Buffer is set to a logger ID.

*(PTRACEHANDLE)TraceInformation is set to an event trace handle for the specified logger. If the specified logger ID is zero, an event trace handle for the kernel logger is returned.
TraceEnableFlagsClass TraceInformationLength is greater than or equal to the value of sizeof(ULONG).

The size, in bytes of the TraceInformation buffer must be greater than or equal to the value of sizeof(ULONG).

The HistoricalContext member of (PWNODE_HEADER)Buffer specifies an event trace handle.

*(PULONG)TraceInformation is set to the enable flags that are set for the specified event trace handle.
TraceEnableLevelClass TraceInformationLength is set greater than or equal to the value of sizeof(ULONG).

The size, in bytes of the TraceInformation buffer must be greater than or equal to the value of sizeof(ULONG).

The HistoricalContext member of (PWNODE_HEADER)Buffer specifies an event trace handle.

*(PULONG)TraceInformation is set to the level for the specified event trace handle.
GlobalLoggerHandleClass TraceInformationLength is equal to the value of sizeof(TRACEHANDLE).

The size, in bytes of the TraceInformation buffer must be greater than or equal to the value of sizeof(TRACEHANDLE).

*(PTRACEHANDLE)TraceInformation is set to an event trace handle for the global logger.
EventLoggerHandleClass For internal use only. For internal use only.
AllLoggerHandlesClass TraceInformationLength is set to the size, bytes, of an array of m TRACEHANDLE values.

The size, in bytes of the TraceInformation buffer must be greater than or equal to the value of (m*sizeof(TRACEHANDLE)).

The TraceInformation buffer contains an array of n trace handles, where n is the minimum of m, the number of caller-supplied event trace handles, and the number of valid event trace handles. The routine returns a status of STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES if the TraceInformation buffer is too small to hold all trace handles.
TraceHandleByNameClass TraceInformationLength is set to the value of sizeof(TRACEHANDLE).

The size, in bytes, of the TraceInformation buffer must be greater than or equal to the value of sizeof(TRACEHANDLE).

(PUNICODE_STRING)Buffer specifies a friendly trace name in Unicode format.

*(PTRACEHANDLE)TraceInformation is set to the event trace handle associated with the specified friendly name.

If the caller supplies a non-NULL RequiredLength pointer, WmiQueryTraceInformation also returns the required length for the specified event trace information.

WmiQueryTraceInformation runs at the IRQL of the caller.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available in Windows XP and later versions of Windows.
Target Platform Universal
Header wdm.h (include Wdm.h, Ntddk.h, Ntifs.h)
Library NtosKrnl.lib
DLL NtosKrnl.exe
IRQL See Remarks section.

See also




