

PVIDEO_HW_FIND_ADAPTER callback function (video.h)

HwVidFindAdapter performs initialization of data specific to the miniport driver and devices supported by the miniport driver.



VP_STATUS PvideoHwFindAdapter(
  PVOID HwDeviceExtension,
  PVOID HwContext,
  PWSTR ArgumentString,
  PUCHAR Again



Pointer to the driver's per-device storage area. For more information, see Device Extensions.


Is NULL and should be ignored by the miniport driver.


Pointer to a null-terminated ASCII string that originates with the user. This pointer can be NULL.


Pointer to a VIDEO_PORT_CONFIG_INFO structure. The video port driver allocates memory for and initializes this structure with any known configuration information, such as the system IO bus number and values that the miniport driver set in the VIDEO_HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA structure.


Should be ignored by the miniport driver.

Return value

HwVidFindAdapter must return one of the following status codes:

Return code Description
ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST Indicates, for a reenumerable bus, that the miniport driver could not find the device.
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Indicates the miniport driver could not configure or initialize the adapter successfully.
NO_ERROR Indicates success.


Every video miniport driver must have an HwVidFindAdapter function.

The video port driver does the following before it calls HwVidFindAdapter:

  • Allocates storage for the miniport driver's per-adapter storage area according to the value of HwDeviceExtensionSize that the miniport driver's DriverEntry function specified in the VIDEO_HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA structure, and zero-initializes the allocated storage.
  • Allocates storage for a VIDEO_PORT_CONFIG_INFO structure and fills in all available information based on miniport driver-supplied information in VIDEO_HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA.
The video port driver then calls the miniport driver's HwVidFindAdapter function with pointers to the initialized per-adapter storage area and configuration information in the HwDeviceExtension and ConfigInfo parameters, respectively.

The HwVidFindAdapter function for devices on an enumerable bus must do the following:

  • Check the size of the VIDEO_PORT_CONFIG_INFO structure to which ConfigInfo points to ensure proper versioning.
  • Call VideoPortGetAccessRanges to obtain the bus-relative physical addresses to which the device will respond. These addresses are assigned by the PnP manager. The miniport driver should pass NULL in the VendorId, DeviceId, and Slot parameters of VideoPortGetAccessRanges.
  • For miniport drivers that support several device types, determine the type of device that the PnP manager has detected. The miniport driver can call VideoPortGetBusData to obtain PCI configuration information.
  • Fill in any relevant but missing configuration information in the appropriate members of the VIDEO_PORT_CONFIG_INFO structure with adapter-specific data.
HwVidFindAdapter should not attempt to initialize the device.

HwVidFindAdapter can allocate resources, such as memory and locks, for use by the miniport driver. Those resources can be device-specific or they can be shared by several devices that the miniport driver supports. If HwVidFindAdapter returns any value other than NO_ERROR, it must free all device-specific resources before returning. For resources that are shared among several devices, HwVidFindAdapter should keep a reference count. For example, the reference count could indicate the number of previous calls to HwVidFindAdapter that succeeded. That way, if HwVidFindAdapter must fail, and it determines that all previous calls to HwVidFindAdapter have failed, it could free the shared resources.

If HwVidFindAdapter fails every time it is called by the video port driver, the operating system might unload the miniport driver later. In such a case, any resources that HwVidFindAdapter allocated but did not free will leak.

For a device on a reenumerable bus such as ISA, PnP still attempts to start the device, although it is the responsibility of HwVidFindAdapter to determine whether the device is actually present. If the device is not found, HwVidFindAdapter should return ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST.

HwVidFindAdapter should also call VideoPortSetRegistryParameters to store adapter-specific information in the HardwareInformation key. This information is used by the Display program in Control Panel. See Setting Hardware Information in the Registry for details.

Depending on the adapter and the AdapterInterfaceType value in VIDEO_PORT_CONFIG_INFO, HwVidFindAdapter can call some of the following VideoPortXxx functions to get the necessary bus-relative configuration data and mapped access ranges to communicate with the adapter:

  • VideoPortGetBusData to get bus-type-specific configuration information about an adapter on a particular I/O bus.

  • VideoPortGetDeviceData to get VIDEO_DEVICE_DATA_TYPE-specific information from the registry and call HwVidQueryDeviceCallback to process this information.

  • VideoPortGetRegistryParameters to get configuration information from the registry.

  • VideoPortGetAccessRanges to get bus-relative access ranges addresses and possibly other hardware configuration values, and to claim them in the registry for use by the driver of an adapter.

  • VideoPortVerifyAccessRanges to determine whether bus-relative video memory and/or I/O ports for the adapter can be claimed by the miniport driver; otherwise, a previously loaded driver has already claimed the resource in the registry and HwVidFindAdapter must try to claim other access ranges if possible or fail.

  • VideoPortGetDeviceBase to map each successfully claimed bus-relative base address and range size, as described in a VIDEO_ACCESS_RANGE structure, to system space logical addresses. HwVidFindAdapter must successfully call VideoPortVerifyAccessRanges or VideoPortGetAccessRanges before it can call VideoPortGetDeviceBase.

If the driver does not handle interrupts, HwVidFindAdapter should set both BusInterruptLevel and BusInterruptVector in the VIDEO_PORT_CONFIG_INFO structure to zero after its call to VideoPortGetAccessRanges. If both members are zero, the video port driver does not connect the interrupt for the miniport driver. Explicitly setting both BusInterruptLevel and BusInterruptVector to zero in HwVidFindAdapter disables the HwVidInterrupt entry point, if any, that was set up by the miniport driver's DriverEntry routine.

HwVidFindAdapter must not leave an unsupported adapter with its state changed. For VGA/SVGA adapters, HwVidFindAdapter must leave the adapter in a VGA state and restore any extended registers it might have modified to their original condition.

HwVidFindAdapter should be made pageable.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header video.h (include Video.h)

See also

DriverEntry of Video Miniport Driver












