

PEP_SOC_SUBSYSTEM_METADATA structure (pepfx.h)

The PEP_SOC_SUBSYSTEM_METADATA structure contains key-value pairs that contain metadata for a system on a chip (SoC) subsystem. It is used in the context of a PEP_DPM_QUERY_SOC_SUBSYSTEM_METADATA notification sent to a platform extension plug-in (PEP).


  [in/out] UNICODE_STRING Key;
  [in/out] UNICODE_STRING Value;


[in/out] Key

A buffer for the PEP to write the key portion of the metadata string-pair. Key must be unique among all Key values reported by this subsystem.

Prior to entry into the notification callback routine, the kernel will:

  • Pre-allocate 64 WCHARs for Key.Buffer[]
  • Zero the buffer
  • Set Key.MaximumLength to the size of the buffer in bytes, and
  • Set Key.Length = 0
Prior to exit from the callback routine, the PEP must copy a null-terminated string into Key.Buffer and update Key.Length with a byte count that is sizeof(WCHAR) times the number of UNICODE characters copied, not including the terminating UNICODE_NULL.

The PEP must use the allocated memory that is pointed to by the address in Key.Buffer to provide the key. Since this memory is pre-allocated, its size cannot be changed. The PEP is responsible for truncating the key string, if necessary, so that it does not exceed the length specified in Key.MaximumLength (including the terminating UNICODE_NULL character).

[in/out] Value

A buffer for the PEP to write the value portion of the metadata string-pair.

Prior to entry into the notification callback routine, the kernel will:

  • Pre-allocate 64 WCHARs for Value.Buffer[]
  • Zero the buffer
  • Set Value.MaximumLength to the size of the buffer in bytes, and
  • Set Value.Length = 0
Prior to exit from the callback routine, the PEP must copy a null-terminated string into Value.Buffer and update Value.Length with a byte count that is sizeof(WCHAR) times the number of UNICODE characters copied, not including the terminating UNICODE_NULL.

The PEP must use the allocated memory that is pointed to by the address in Value.Buffer to provide the metadata value. Since this memory is pre-allocated, its size cannot be changed. The PEP is responsible for truncating the value string, if necessary, so that it does not exceed the length specified in Value.MaximumLength (including the terminating UNICODE_NULL character).


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Supported starting with Windows 10.
Header pepfx.h (include Pep_x.h)

See also