


The PEP_REQUEST_COMPONENT_PERF_STATE structure contains a list of performance state (P-state) changes requested by the Windows power management framework (PoFx), plus status information about the handling of these requests by the platform extension plug-in (PEP).


  [in]  PEPHANDLE                         DeviceHandle;
  [in]  ULONG                             Component;
  [out] BOOLEAN                           Completed;
  [out] BOOLEAN                           Succeeded;
  [in]  ULONG                             PerfRequestsCount;


[in] DeviceHandle

A PEPHANDLE value that identifies the device. The PEP supplied this handle in response to a previous PEP_DPM_REGISTER_DEVICE notification.

[in] Component

The index that identifies the component. This member is an index into the Components array in the PEP_DEVICE_REGISTER_V2 structure that the PEP previously supplied in response to the PEP_DPM_REGISTER_DEVICE notification for this device. If the Components array contains N elements, component indexes range from 0 to N–1.

[out] Completed

Whether the PEP has completed the requested P-state changes. Set to TRUE to indicate that the P-state changes completed synchronously. Set to FALSE to indicate that the requested P-state changes are pending and will be completed asynchronously by a PEP worker thread. For more information, see Remarks.

[out] Succeeded

Whether the requested P-state changes successfully completed. Set to TRUE if the PEP successfully completed all P-state changes requested in the PerfRequests array. Set to FALSE if the PEP was unable to perform all the requested P-state changes, in which case the P-states in the hardware were left unchanged. The Succeeded member is used only for synchronous P-state changes. If the PEP sets Completed to FALSE, PoFx ignores the value in the Succeeded member.

[in] PerfRequestsCount

The number of P-state changes requested in the array pointed to by the PerfRequests member.

[in] PerfRequests

A pointer to an array of PEP_COMPONENT_PERF_STATE_REQUEST structures. Each element in the array specifies a new performance level to assign to a P-state set. The number of array elements is specified by the PerfRequestsCount member.


This structure is used by the PEP_DPM_REQUEST_COMPONENT_PERF_STATE notification. The DeviceHandle, Component, PerfRequestsCount, and PerfRequests members of the structure contain input values that are supplied by PoFx when this notification is sent. The Completed and Succeeded members contain output values that the PEP writes to the structure in response to the notification.

The PEP can complete the requested P-state changes either synchronously or asynchronously. The PEP can set the Completed member to TRUE to indicate that all the requests in the PEP_DPM_REQUEST_COMPONENT_PERF_STATE notification have been completed synchronously—that is, before the return from the PEP's AcceptDeviceNotification callback routine. Or, the PEP can set Completed to FALSE to indicate that the requests will be completed asynchronously. To complete the requests asynchronously, the PEP should call the RequestWorker routine to inform PoFx that the PEP has a work request to submit, and PoFx will respond by sending a PEP_DPM_WORK notification to the PEP.

PoFx writes the requested P-state changes to the PerfRequests array before the PEP_DPM_REQUEST_COMPONENT_PERF_STATE notification is sent. If the PEP handles the requested P-state changes synchronously, the contents of the PerfRequests array remain valid only until the return from the AcceptDeviceNotification callback routine. If the requests are completed asynchronously, the array contents remain valid until the PEP calls the CompleteWork routine to notify PoFx that the PEP has completed the pending requests.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Supported starting with Windows 10.
Header pep_x.h (include Pep_x.h)

See also






