

PsGetThreadCreateTime function (ntddk.h)

This routine retrieves the creation time of a given thread.


LONGLONG PsGetThreadCreateTime(
  [in] PETHREAD Thread


[in] Thread

A pointer to an executive thread object structure (ETHREAD) for which to get the creation time.

Return value

Returns a long long integer that represents the thread's creation time in 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601. This is a standard timestamp format used in Windows known as FILETIME.


A driver might call PsGetThreadCreateTime for several reasons:

  • Debugging and Logging: The creation time of a thread can be useful information when debugging or logging system behavior.

  • Performance Monitoring: The creation time can be used in performance monitoring to identify long-lived threads that might be a performance concern.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10, version 1507
Header ntddk.h