

IoReportDetectedDevice function (ntddk.h)

The IoReportDetectedDevice routine reports a non-PnP device to the PnP manager.


NTSTATUS IoReportDetectedDevice(
  [in]           PDRIVER_OBJECT                 DriverObject,
  [in]           INTERFACE_TYPE                 LegacyBusType,
  [in]           ULONG                          BusNumber,
  [in]           ULONG                          SlotNumber,
  [in, optional] PCM_RESOURCE_LIST              ResourceList,
  [in, optional] PIO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST ResourceRequirements,
  [in]           BOOLEAN                        ResourceAssigned,
  [in, out]      PDEVICE_OBJECT                 *DeviceObject


[in] DriverObject

Pointer to the driver object of the driver that detected the device.

[in] LegacyBusType

Specifies the type of bus on which the device resides. The PnP manager uses this information to match the reported device to its PnP-enumerated instance, if one exists.

The interface types, such as PCIBus, are defined in Wdm.h. If a driver does not know the LegacyBusType for the device, the driver supplies the value InterfaceTypeUndefined for this parameter.

[in] BusNumber

Specifies the bus number for the device. The PnP manager uses this information to match the reported device to its PnP-enumerated instance, if one exists.

The bus number distinguishes the bus on which the device resides from other buses of the same type on the computer. The bus-numbering scheme is bus-specific. If a driver does not know the BusNumber for the device, the driver supplies the value -1 for this parameter.

[in] SlotNumber

Specifies the logical slot number of the device. The PnP manager uses this information to match the reported device to its PnP-enumerated instance, if one exists.

If a driver does not know the SlotNumber for the device, the driver supplies the value -1 for this parameter.

[in, optional] ResourceList

Pointer to the resource list the driver used to detect the device. Resources in this list are in raw, untranslated form.

[in, optional] ResourceRequirements

Optionally points to a resource requirements list for the detected device. NULL if the caller does not have this information for the device.

[in] ResourceAssigned

Specifies whether the device's resources have already been reported to the PnP manager. If ResourceAssigned is TRUE, the resources have already been reported, possibly with IoReportResourceForDetection, and the PnP manager will not attempt to claim them on behalf of the device. If TRUE, the PnP manager will also not claim resources when the device is root-enumerated on subsequent boots.

[in, out] DeviceObject

Optionally points to a PDO for the detected device.

NULL if the caller does not have a PDO for the device, which is typically the case. If DeviceObject is NULL, the PnP manager creates a PDO for the device and returns a pointer to the caller.

If the caller supplies a PDO, the PnP manager does not create a new PDO. On a given call to this routine the DeviceObject parameter is either an IN or an OUT parameter, but not both.

Return value

IoReportDetectedDevice returns STATUS_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code on failure.


Drivers for legacy devices use IoReportDetectedDevice to report their devices to the system. A driver should only call IoReportDetectedDevice to report a legacy, non-PnP device. PnP devices should be reported in response to an IRP_MN_QUERY_DEVICE_RELATIONS request.

Drivers only need to call IoReportDetectedDevice the first time they are loaded because the PnP manager caches the reported information. Drivers that use this routine should store a flag in the registry to indicate whether they have already done device detection.

A driver typically calls this routine from its DriverEntry routine. A few drivers, like certain NDIS or EISA drivers, might call this routine from an AddDevice routine.

On successful completion of IoReportDetectedDevice, the caller should attach an FDO to the PDO returned at DeviceObject. Once the caller attaches its FDO, the caller is the function driver for the device, at least temporarily. There are no filter drivers. The PnP manager owns the PDO.

The PnP manager considers the device to be started and therefore does not call the driver's AddDevice routine and does not send an IRP_MN_START_DEVICE request. The driver must be prepared to handle all other PnP IRPs, however.

IoReportDetectedDevice marks the device as a root-enumerated device and this identification is persistent across system boots. During subsequent system boots the PnP manager "detects" the device on the root-enumerated list and configures it like a PnP device: the PnP manager queries for device information, identifies the appropriate drivers and calls their AddDevice routines, and sends all the appropriate PnP IRPs.

The system generates two compatible ID strings for the device, of the form DETECTEDInterface\Driver and DETECTED\Driver. Interface is the string name of the INTERFACE_TYPE of the first bus specified in the ResourceList parameter. Interface is set to "Internal" if no bus is specified. Driver is the driver's service name. A driver can provide additional hardware IDs or compatible IDs by handling the IRP_MN_QUERY_ID request.

A driver writer must provide an INF file that matches any of the specified hardware IDs or compatible IDs. The INF file should specify the original driver that called IoReportDetectedDevice as the driver to load for those IDs. The system uses this information to rebuild the driver stack for the device, for example on restart. Callers of IoReportDetectedDevice must be running at IRQL = PASSIVE_LEVEL in the context of a system thread.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available starting with Windows 2000.
Target Platform Universal
Header ntddk.h (include Ntddk.h)
Library NtosKrnl.lib
DLL NtosKrnl.exe
IRQL PASSIVE_LEVEL (see Remarks section)
DDI compliance rules HwStorPortProhibitedDDIs(storport), PowerIrpDDis(wdm)

See also

