

PFLT_PRE_OPERATION_CALLBACK callback function (fltkernel.h)

A minifilter driver's PFLT_PRE_OPERATION_CALLBACK routine performs pre-operation processing for I/O operations.



  [in, out] PFLT_CALLBACK_DATA Data,
  [in]      PCFLT_RELATED_OBJECTS FltObjects,
  [out]     PVOID *CompletionContext


[in, out] Data

A pointer to the callback data (FLT_CALLBACK_DATA) structure for the I/O operation.

[in] FltObjects

A pointer to an FLT_RELATED_OBJECTS structure that contains opaque pointers for the objects related to the current I/O request.

[out] CompletionContext

If this callback routine returns FLT_PREOP_SUCCESS_WITH_CALLBACK or FLT_PREOP_SYNCHRONIZE, this parameter is an optional context pointer to be passed to the corresponding post-operation callback routine. Otherwise, it must be NULL.

Return value

This callback routine returns one of the following FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS values.

Return code Description
FLT_PREOP_COMPLETE The minifilter is completing the I/O operation. See Remarks for details.
FLT_PREOP_DISALLOW_FASTIO The operation is a fast I/O operation, and the minifilter is not allowing the fast I/O path to be used for this operation. See Remarks for details.
FLT_PREOP_PENDING The minifilter has pended the I/O operation, and the operation is still pending. See Remarks for details.
FLT_PREOP_SUCCESS_NO_CALLBACK The minifilter is returning the I/O operation to FltMgr for further processing. In this case, FltMgr won't call the minifilter driver's post-operation callback, if one exists, during I/O completion.
FLT_PREOP_SUCCESS_WITH_CALLBACK The minifilter is returning the I/O operation to FltMgr for further processing. In this case, FltMgr calls the minifilter's post-operation callback during I/O completion.
FLT_PREOP_SYNCHRONIZE The minifilter is returning the I/O operation to FltMgr for further processing, but it is not completing the operation. See Remarks for details.
FLT_PREOP_DISALLOW_FSFILTER_IO The minifilter is disallowing a fast QueryOpen operation and forcing the operation down the slow path. Doing so causes the I/O manager to service the request by performing an open/query/close of the file. Minifilter drivers should only return this status for QueryOpen.


See Writing pre-operation callback routines for additional information.

A minifilter's pre-operation callback routine processes one or more types of I/O operations. (This callback routine is similar to a dispatch routine in the legacy filter model.)

A minifilter registers a pre-operation callback routine for a particular type of I/O operation by storing the callback routine's entry point in the OperationRegistration array of the FLT_REGISTRATION structure. The minifilter passes this structure as a parameter to FltRegisterFilter in its DriverEntry routine. A minifilter can register a pre-operation callback routine for a given type of I/O operation without registering a post-operation callback (PFLT_POST_OPERATION_CALLBACK) routine and vice versa.

A minifilter driver's pre-operation or post-operation callback routine can modify the contents of the callback data structure for the operation. If it does, it must then call FltSetCallbackDataDirty, unless it has changed the contents of the callback data structure's IoStatus field.

The IRQL for this generic callback routine depends on its specific IO paths. You can quickly and cheaply call KeGetCurrentIRQL if you need to know the current IRQL. See Writing pre-operation callback routines for additional information about IRQL.

File systems round up write and read operations at end of file to a multiple of the sector size of the underlying file storage device. When processing pre-read or pre-write operations, filters that allocate and swap buffers need to round the size of an allocated buffer up to a multiple of the sector size of the associated device. If they do not, the length of data transferred from the underlying file system will exceed the allocated length of the buffer. For more information about swapping buffers, see the SwapBuffers Minifilter Sample.

Starting with Windows 8, CompletionContext uses the Flt_CompletionContext_Outptr annotation which defines valid context values based on the operation result. The following is a usage example for the callback with the annotation for CompletionContext.

    _Inout_ PFLT_CALLBACK_DATA Data,
    _Flt_CompletionContext_Outptr_ PVOID *CompletionContext


If this routine returns FLT_PREOP_COMPLETE, it must set the callback data structure's IoStatus.Status field to the final NTSTATUS value for the I/O operation. This NTSTATUS value cannot be STATUS_PENDING. For a cleanup or close operation, it must be a success NTSTATUS value other than STATUS_PENDING because cleanup and close operations cannot fail.

When this routine returns FLT_PREOP_COMPLETE, FltMgr won't send the I/O operation to any minifilter drivers below the caller in the driver stack or to the file system. In this case, FltMgr only calls the post-operation callback routines of the minifilter drivers above the caller in the driver stack.


If this routine returns FLT_PREOP_DISALLOW_FASTIO, it should not set the callback data structure's IoStatus.Status field because FltMgr automatically sets this field to STATUS_FLT_DISALLOW_FAST_IO.

FLT_PREOP_DISALLOW_FASTIO can only be returned for a fast I/O operation. To determine whether a given callback data structure represents a fast I/O operation, use the FLT_IS_FASTIO_OPERATION macro.

When this routine returns FLT_PREOP_DISALLOW_FASTIO, FltMgr won't send the fast I/O operation to any minifilter drivers below the caller in the driver stack or to the file system. In this case, FltMgr only calls the post-operation callback routines of the minifilter drivers above the caller in the driver stack.


FLT_PREOP_PENDING can only be returned for IRP-based I/O operations because only IRP-based I/O operations can be pended. To determine whether a given callback data structure represents an IRP-based I/O operation, use the FLT_IS_IRP_OPERATION macro.

When this routine returns FLT_PREOP_PENDING, FltMgr won't process the I/O operation further until the minifilter driver calls FltCompletePendedPreOperation.


If a minifilter's pre-operation callback routine returns FLT_PREOP_SYNCHRONIZE, the minifilter must have registered a corresponding post-operation callback for the operation. When this routine returns FLT_PREOP_SYNCHRONIZE, FltMgr calls the minifilter's post-operation callback in the context of the current thread at IRQL <= APC_LEVEL.

FLT_PREOP_SYNCHRONIZE should only be returned for IRP-based I/O operations. If it is returned for an I/O operation that is not an IRP-based operation, FltMgr treats this return value as if it were FLT_PREOP_SUCCESS_WITH_CALLBACK.

Minifilter drivers should not return FLT_PREOP_SYNCHRONIZE for create operations, because these operations are already synchronized by FltMgr.

Minifilters must never return FLT_PREOP_SYNCHRONIZE for asynchronous read and write operations. Doing so can severely degrade both minifilter driver and system performance.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Microsoft Windows 2000 Update Rollup 1 for SP4, Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2003 SP1, and later Windows operating systems.
Target Platform Desktop
Header fltkernel.h (include FltKernel.h)
IRQL See Remarks section

See also















