

Creating a Preview Package

When you create a package, you can submit it for preview only. This allows you to test an experience on client devices, and then change or modify the experience before you release it as a live experience.

Submitting a preview package

Before you submit preview packages, you must first create a PreviewKey that is unique to your company. Only people who know the PreviewKey can download your preview packages.

The process for releasing a preview package is the same as the process for releasing any other package, except that you identify the package as a preview so that your selected users know to use the PreviewKey.

Any preview package submitted by the partner of a company will require the company’s PreviewKey to be set in a registry key with the following settings:

  • Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Device Metadata

  • Value Name: DeviceMetadataPreviewKey

  • Value Type: REG_SZ

  • Value: <Your PreviewKey>

To create a PreviewKey

  1. From the Partner Center, sign in to the dashboard with the Microsoft account.

  2. On the left side of the window, click Device metadata.

  3. On the Device metadata page, under Manage preview key, enter a PreviewKey that conforms to the following guidelines:

    • The PreviewKey must contain between 1 and 15 characters.

    • The characters must be alphanumeric. In other words, the PreviewKey can include only uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or numbers. The PreviewKey cannot contain special characters.

    • The PreviewKey must be unlike any other existing PreviewKey.

    • Only one PreviewKey is allowed for each company.

Create a Device Metadata Experience

Submit a Device Metadata Package (Dashboard help)

Device Metadata Business Rules