

UPS\ServiceProviders Registry Entries

Under the UPS\ServiceProviders registry key, a UPS vendor should create a vendor-specific subkey. Under this subkey, the vendor should create an entry for each UPS model. Vendors must create these registry entries while installing UPS minidrivers.

Each model-specific entry consists of a value name and a value. The value name should be the name of the UPS model. The value associated with this name is a string consisting of two parts:

  • The first part of the value string represents a hexadecimal bitmask identifying the model's capabilities. Bit values are defined in the following table.

    Bit Value Description


    The UPS is installed.


    The UPS supports power failure notification.


    The UPS supports notification of low battery power.


    The UPS can be turned off using the serial port.


    Power failure notification is indicated by a positive signal.


    Low battery notification is indicated by a positive signal.


    The UPS is turned off by a positive signal.


    Reserved. Do not use.

  • The second part of the string is optional. It represents the path and name of the UPS minidriver. If this path and name is supplied, it must be preceded by a semicolon (;). If only the name is supplied, a default path of %SystemRoot%\system32 is used.

After a UPS minidriver has been installed, and after a system administrator has enabled the UPS using Power Options, the system's UPS service copies model-specific UPS\ServiceProviders values to other, system-controlled registry locations.

The following is an example of one vendor subkey, with value names and values for two UPS models, under UPS\ServiceProviders:

    American Power Conversion
        Back-UPS "0x7f"
        Smart-UPS "0x1;apcups.dll"