The KSPROPERTY_AUDIOGFX_CAPTURETARGETDEVICEID property is used to inform a GFX filter of the Plug and Play device ID of the audio device that is the source of the capture stream.
Usage Summary Table
Get | Set | Target | Property descriptor type | Property value type |
No |
Yes |
Filter |
WCHAR array |
The property value (operation data) is a WCHAR array that contains the device ID. The device ID is a null-terminated string of Unicode characters.
Return Value
A KSPROPERTY_AUDIOGFX_CAPTURETARGETDEVICEID property request returns STATUS_SUCCESS to indicate that it has completed successfully. Otherwise, the request returns an appropriate error status code.
The target for this set-only property request is a GFX filter that is configured for use as either a capture- or render/capture-GFX filter.
To determine the size of the buffer needed to hold the property value, see Basic Support Queries for Audio Properties.
For additional information about device IDs, see Device Identification Strings.
Header |
Ksmedia.h (include Ksmedia.h) |